Marysville Hero: Teacher Megan Silberberger Stopped School Murderer
Russ Chastain 10.25.14
Marysville, WA – Megan Silberberger is a first-year social studies teacher at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, which was recently the site of murder and assault committed by a student on other students. And she was very likely the reason why the misguided youth didn’t hurt more people.
The 14-year-old killer, whose name I refuse to publicize, began shooting after an argument. Silberberger reportedly rushed to the scene and confronted the armed boy.
A student told reporters of Silberberger, “She heard the gunshots first and she came in running through the door, right next to it.”
He added, “I believe she’s actually the real hero. She’s the one that intercepted him with the gun. He tried either reloading or tried aiming at her. She tried moving his hand away and he tried shooting and shot himself in the neck.”
In the end, the criminal and a teenage girl were dead. Four other students – two of whom were cousins of the perpetrator – were injured. All victims were minors (younger than age 18).
Thanks to Megan Silberberger for preventing more carnage, and I’m grateful that she wasn’t shot herself. She easily could have been. If only someone else on the scene had been armed, he may have been stopped even faster.
Why do people think it’s sane to put children in an environment where only criminals are armed? It’s long past time to get rid of “gun free zones,” especially in our schools.