ATN Official Statement on Recent Forbes Article
Dickson 09.11.19
Forbes published an exclusive article titled Feds Demand Apple And Google Hand Over Names Of 10,000+ Users Of A Gun Scope App last week. To counter circulating rumors, ATN (American Technologies Network Corp.) have released the following official statement on Friday, September 6th:
American Technologies Network Corp. (“ATN”) today learned of the possible existence of a federal order issued to Apple and Google to provide usernames regarding one of our products, the ATN Obsidian 4. ATN was unaware of these allegations until the publication of a Forbes magazine article entitled, “Exclusive: Feds Order Apple And Google To Hand Over Names Of 10,000+ Users Of A Gun Scope App”.
ATN has not been contacted by the Department of Justice, Apple, or Google. ATN will protect its customers and their identifying data to the absolute extent possible under U.S. law. And, it will not provide any information regarding the identity of our customers to any third party unless specifically required by law.
There were concerns from the US military that Taliban forces have likely illegally exported consumer grade night vision/thermal scopes from the US and have used them against allied forces in Afghanistan.
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