Prepping Tradecraft: The Art of the Trade
Dr. John Woods 06.18.19
As your list of prepping goods to attain continues to grow, negotiating is something you can begin to practice now. For many preppers, budgets are limited and acquiring even the most basic sets of supplies and equipment can be daunting, especially for families.
One way to overcome tight economic conditions is to learn the tradecraft of swapping or bartering. This can mean exchanging hard goods for hard goods or soft supplies in any mix that willing participants are agreeable to swapping. Vital skills can also be traded as well.
First you need to conduct an inventory of everything you can live without. At the same time, start jotting down critical items that you need. You may have seemingly innocuous stuff like several extra clay flower pots to get rid of, a couple redundant tool sets, a third chainsaw, or a couple unused bicycles in the garage.
Things that sell or trade well are baby clothes (in fact anything baby), so if you are done having children, it may be time to get rid of the baby stuff. Check every closet in the house, the attic, basement, and the garage. You may be amazed at just how much stuff you will find that you can do without.
Many preppers are highly skilled and have a huge range of talents to share. These may be mechanical as in automotive engine or auto care in general, or even small engine repair from lawn mowers, snow blowers, chainsaws, or anything that runs on gasoline. Maybe you are a bang-up carpenter who can remodel homes, build storage sheds, or add on another room. Could be you can even design and build a bugout cabin in the wilds. Be honest about what you can do.
You may have tech skills with the knowledge to repair or set up computers or systems at businesses or for private individual uses. Perhaps you are a nurse or medical practitioner and particularly under SHTF conditions you may be able to trade services for items or supplies you need.
Finally, what do you need? A gas powered generator? Maybe you need an ammunition reloading setup. This list can be endless, but the best bet is to aim for major big-ticket items rather than everyday supplies. Hardware and gear may be hard to come by later.
Learn to practice tradecraft. It is a vital skill when times get tough.