4 Great Bowhunting Innovations of All Time


4 Great Bowhunting Innovations of All Time

Trail Cameras

Trail Cameras have come a long way in a very short time, and arguably are one of the biggest aids for hunting ever developed. They have evolved into high-tech, highly-sophisticated digital photography and video devices that reveal more about deer than most hunters ever dreamed. Much of their value is learning where, when and how deer move about their range. But it’s also fun to simply look at whitetail antics, and other critters cameras record, too, such bears, mountain lions, coyotes, snakes, bobcats, raccoons, foxes and others.


Mechanical “Open-On-Impact” Broadheads

Mechanical “Open-On-Impact” Broadheads have been around many years. But over the last decade they have been so expertly engineered that they have allowed bowhunters pinpoint accuracy without sacrificing quick kills on deer-size big game. No more must bowmen be troubled with arrows flying off target because of oversize broadheads. Accurate shooting makes for humane bow kills, and mechanical broadheads have greatly helped in this area.


Digital Range Finders

Digital Range Finders are an offshoot of laser technology that has allowed optic companies to produce range estimation devices all hunters can use quickly, quietly, in all weather and lighting conditions.  Small and compact, range finders are important to almost all hunters; whether they need to know the distance for an arrow shot at an antelope, or a 7mm magnum try at a bighorn sheep across a canyon.


Fiber-Optic Sights

Fiber-Optic Sights allow a hunter to get his rifle, shotgun or bow on target faster, with more precision, than ever before. In the low-light of dusk, dawn and in overcast weather, seeing a bow pin on a buster buck or a shotgun bead on a strutting turkey is a whole lot easier thanks to the light-gathering qualities of these innovative sights.


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Bob McNally is currently a writer for AllOutdoor who has chosen not to write a short bio at this time.

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