High Cholesterol? Eat More Brisket


High Cholesterol? Eat More Brisket

I know it sounds impossible, but it appears that there are actual health benefits to eating brisket–at least, so says Texas A&M. Behold:

Ground beef produced from the brisket contains high levels of oleic acid, which increases levels of HDL or good cholesterol in humans, Smith told beef producers at the recent 62nd Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course held at Texas A&M University in College Station.

That’s good news as the popularity of Texas barbecue as well as overall ground beef consumption continues to increase annually.

“Brisket has higher oleic acid than the flank or plate, which are the trims typically used to produce ground beef,” he said. “The fat in brisket also has a low melting point, that’s why the brisket is so juicy. That’s also why we like it so much here in Texas, and it’s by far the most popular choice for Texas barbecue.

If you’ll excuse me, lunch is approaching, and I need to head over to the local BBQ joint and pick up some health food.

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billj is currently a writer for AllOutdoor who has chosen not to write a short bio at this time.

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