Silencer Central Legislates for ATF Tax to Support Wildlife Conservation
Adam Scepaniak 11.10.23

Yesterday, Congressman Blake Moore from Utah (R-UT), Jared Golden from Maine (D-ME) – along with strong support and assistance from Brandon Maddox and everyone at Silencer Central – introduced the Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act to reallocate the funding generated from tax stamp processing (silencers, Short-Barreled Rifles [SBR], Short-Barreled Shotguns [SBS], and other NFA item purchases) for the purpose of enhancing wildlife and habitat conservation and recreation programs. This change will supercharge funding for these critical funding streams while expediting processes at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).
Silencer Central Coverage on AllOutdoor
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From the very outset of this bill’s introduction, there were 13 giant companies/organizations that voiced their immediate support of H.R.6352 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): To transfer a portion of the firearms transfer tax imposed under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to the Federal aid to wildlife restoration fund and the Conservation of America’s Wildlife Trust Fund, and for other purposes. All of those can be read below:
- Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
- National Wildlife Federation
- Safari Club International
- Congressional Sportsmen Foundation
- Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
- Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
- Delta Waterfowl
- National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF)
- Congressional Sportsmen Foundation
- Silencer Central
- Sportsmans Alliance of Maine Institute for Legislative Action
- Mule Deer Foundation
- Utah Department of Natural Resources
With such strong support and what this bill would be able to accomplish, it appears to be a “no-brainer” on paper for our legislators to approve. One of the direct benefits for sportsmen/sportswomen along with firearm owners, is that “this will make the tax stamp 90 days max for approval times” according to Brandon Maddox, CEO of Silencer Central. A press release from the office of Blake Moore (R-UT), sponsor of this bill, can be read below highlighting what H.R. 6352 is all about:
WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Congressman Blake Moore (R-UT) and Congressman Jared Golden (D-ME) introduced the Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act to reallocate the funding generated from tax stamp processing for the purpose of enhancing wildlife and habitat conservation and recreation programs. This change will supercharge funding for these critical funding streams while expediting processes at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).
Under the National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA), all applicants seeking to transfer a suppressor are required to undergo a background check and pay a $200 tax stamp. This funding is currently deposited into the U.S. Treasury without any specific direction, even though total revenues generated from this tax are expected to approach $200 million this year.
The Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act would strategically allocate these taxes to both support wildlife conservation and recreation and expedite ATF processing. Specifically, 15% of the total revenue would go to the ATF’s NFA division, aimed at expediting the processing of suppressor applications. The remaining 85% would be split further: 85% would be allocated to the Pittman Robertson Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund to support wildlife conservation, law enforcement, hunter recruitment, and other related lawful activities, while 15% would be provided for the development, maintenance, and operation of recreational shooting ranges. These dedicated ranges enhance safety, reduce environmental impact, and contribute to the recruitment and retention of ethical hunters and shooters.
“I am pleased to introduce this important bill that underscores our commitment to conserving America’s natural heritage, investing in outdoor recreation, and making ATF’s processes for law-abiding citizens more efficient,” said Congressman Blake Moore (UT-01). “This bill represents a transformative step in funding our nation’s wildlife conservation while streamlining federal processes.”
“By paying fees for licenses and equipment, Maine outdoorsmen have sustained our state’s recreational opportunities for generations,” said Congressman Jared Golden (ME-02). “Applying this same principle to the sale of accessories like silencers will increase consistency with the law, bolster conservation efforts in Maine, and make the background check process more efficient and effective.”
Without changing the criteria for obtaining a suppressor, the Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act would build upon our rich conservation heritage by increasing conservation funding and enhancing the capacity and efficiency of the ATF and FBI in the processing of applications for suppressors.
Most of us are not fluent in a lot of the legal vernacular that bills like this are written in, but what this bill looks to accomplish is place our tax dollars back into wildlife conservation while simultaneously speeding up the paperwork processing of the items we purchase. So, for those who enjoy and appreciate silencer ownership, your future purchases would be approved faster, and your tax dollars would more directly benefit wildlife areas you are potentially hunting. A tremendous Win-Win in our books! As always, let us know all of your thoughts about this bill in the Comments below! We always appreciate your feedback. Also, read the 11 quotations below from many of the prominent individuals surrounding the outdoors and firearms industries that already support H.R.6352.
“This bill dedicates significant resources that would accelerate wildlife conservation and restoration efforts, such as habitat improvement, research and education. It’s a powerful commitment to conservation. It also improves ATF application efficiency, which will improve processing time for those seeking to legally obtain a suppressor.” -Joel Ferry, Executive Director of the Utah Department of Natural Resources
“The Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act is a great opportunity to advance conservation and recreational shooting in this country by applying the revenue to areas that the consumers support. The additional funding for conservation will further advance the mission of the Mule Deer Foundation: ensure the conservation of mule deer, black-tailed deer and their habitat. The Mule Deer Foundation is proud to be a supporter of this legislation and we thank Congressman Moore and Congressman Golden for their leadership on this issue.” -Joel Pedersen, President and CEO of the Mule Deer Foundation
“SAM-ILA applauds the introduction of the Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act. Conserving Maine’s wildlife by utilizing all the best hunting heritage tools that can generate the money to pay for them is always the best policy. Thank you Congressman Golden and Congressman Moore.” -David Trahan, Executive Director Sportsmans Alliance of Maine Institute for Legislative Action
“The Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act will provide the single most consequential benefit to America’s wildlife, hunters and recreation that the Pittman Robertson Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund has received since it was signed into law in 1937, cementing the North American model of wildlife conservation for the next hundred years. I thank Congressman Moore and Congressman Golden for their leadership and for their commitment to conservation and America’s sportsmen.” -Brandon Maddox, CEO of Silencer Central & Congressional Sportsmen Foundation Board of Directors
“The Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act is no-nonsense legislation that will keep pace with the user-pays wildlife conservation efforts that have made the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation the envy of the world. Increasingly greater numbers of hunters use suppressors to harvest wild game, as it is legal to do so in 41 states. Suppressors are a safety tool that protects hearing and reduces noise pollution. This legislation is in keeping with the modern application of suppressors to ensure the taxes paid for suppressors are applied to wildlife conservation, recreational shooting range construction and improvements and reducing the lengthy processing backlogs for suppressor approval by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Firearm and ammunition manufacturers fulfill a critical role funding wildlife conservation and this bill would bring the taxes paid by suppressor customers into those same vital efforts.” -Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel
“Delta Waterfowl is proud to support the Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act. This bill will provide a major boost to hunter supported conservation of America’s ducks and waterfowl habitat across the four North American flyways. Delta recognizes the leaders of this bipartisan effort, Representatives Moore and Golden, and offers its support to pass this bill into law.” -John Devney, Chief Policy Officer of Delta Waterfowl
“The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies thanks Representatives Moore and Golden for their steadfast support for conservation. Building on the proven success of the Pittman-Robertson Act will strengthen the partnerships between hunters, target shooters, and manufacturers that enable state agencies to manage healthy habitats, ensure abundant wildlife populations, and provide accessible outdoor recreational opportunities for the public.” -Chuck Sykes, Director of the Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries and President of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
“The Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act will provide a significant plus up to the Pittman-Robertson account for the purposes of bolstering recreational shooting opportunities and enhancing wildlife conservation. Moreover, the legislation will provide ATF with the resources they need to process firearm suppressor applications in a timely manner. We are thankful for Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC) Member Rep. Moore and CSC Vice Chair Rep. Golden for introducing this legislation that will support our hunters, target shooters, and our state fish and wildlife agencies through expanding Pittman-Robertson.” -Jeff Crane, President and CEO of the Congressional Sportsmen Foundation
“Safari Club International applauds the introduction of the Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act. Expediting ATF processing while directly benefiting conservation is a win-win for all hunters and wildlife. Thank you Congressman Moore for your leadership.” -Ben Cassidy, Executive Vice President, Safari Club International
“For more than 80 years sportsmen and women have funded conservation through their purchases. We applaud Reps. Moore and Golden for this innovative bill that will build upon this tradition and commit additional resources to restoring wildlife habitat and supporting state-level professional wildlife management.” -Collin O’Mara, CEO of the National Wildlife Federation
“TRCP appreciates Rep. Moore and Rep. Golden for their leadership to increase funding for conservation through the Tax Stamp Revenue Transfer for Wildlife and Recreation Act. This bill will help fund projects that support abundant wildlife populations and public access for hunting and fishing.” -Whit Fosburgh, president and CEO of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership