10 Reasons Why Silencer Central is the ULTIMATE Silencer Resource


10 Reasons Why Silencer Central is the ULTIMATE Silencer Resource

It was not that long ago that we all believed silencers were something relegated to only movies and Schwarzenegger-esque action heroes. Something you only saw in theatres or James Bond flicks; definitely not something we could actually own. That was then… this is now. Silencers are legal for ownership in varying capacities in 42 of our 50 great states, and this is due in large part to companies like Silencer Central. They have been championing our ability to own silencers for decades – and with us being fully entered into the 21st century – they are paving the way for us to swiftly and efficiently file eForms (electronic Form 4 documents) to expedite our silencer buying as much as possible. They are a company that started from humble beginnings, took innumerable punches to the jaw from the ATF, and they – like Rocky Balboa – are impossibly still standing looking like champions. If you are in the market to purchase your 1st silencer or 10th, it should be a no-brainer to utilize Silencer Central. That being said, we shall still paint the picture of everything that they have to offer for us. Let’s dive in!

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10 Reasons Why Silencer Central is the ULTIMATE Silencer Resource


1. Silencer Central Simplifies the Process

If you stop into a local brick ‘n mortar dealer to purchase a silencer, they may not be well-versed on the process of buying a silencer. Moreover, they may miss things, request you provide documentation that’s unnecessary, or not be thorough enough. When it comes to Silencer Central they cut through the clutter and the BS to distill the buying process down to only the bare essentials. They simplify everything to make it as easy as possible.

We have been making silencer buying super simple since 2005!

2. Silencer Central are your Silencer Experts

When you purchase a silencer from Silencer Central you are enlisting a cubicle army of men and women who can assist you remotely through the entire purchasing and paperwork process. “You don’t know how to fill out the paperwork?” No worries! They will help you through everything. They have done this thousands of times and are professionals at navigating this stuff.

We offer a full-time staff of experts dedicated to streamlining your silencer buying experience and answering your questions.

3. Silencer Central ONLY Does Silencers

When you work alongside Silencer Central and purchase from them, this isn’t a shtick they do on the weekends… it isn’t an accessory idea to their portfolio… and it is not a side gig. Selling silencers IS the gig! They only do silencers and they do it well! They are subject-matter-experts (SME) when it comes to this stuff and it shows in how well they execute the process of buying a silencer.

Silencers are not a “side business” for us, we only do silencers!

10 Reasons Why Silencer Central is the Ultimate Silencer Resource

4. Silencer Central Ships Direct to your Door

When you purchase a silencer you are going to have a bit of legwork (homework). You’ll need to get some documents in order and there is a bit of wait time. Once you are approved though, Silencer Central has figured out a legal way to ship your approved silencer straight to your house which is incredible! You don’t need to make an additional trip to a dealer or coordinate some kind of weird drop-ship transfer to a store. It will be sent to where you live for the utmost convenience.

We have our own FFL in all 42 silencer-legal states, which allows us to deliver your new silencer directly to your front door.

5. Silencer Central Offers a FREE NFA Gun Trust

Purchasing a silencer is an investment. An investment in protecting your hearing, an investment for the long haul, and for some, this can be an expensive piece of equipment to get into. To add additional value to your purchase from Silencer Central – since you are trusting in them and spending your hard-earned dollars with them – they offer a FREE NFA Gun Trust. Then, your silencer is further protected in a legal document for years and years to come.

We offer a Free NFA Gun Trust (a $250 value) individualized for you that establishes joint ownership to legally share your silencer (and select an inheritor).

6. Silencer Central Offers “Pay while You Wait”

Why should you pay for something that you don’t get to immediately take home with you?… Silencer Central agrees. If you want to pay for your silencer in-full, up front, you absolutely can. If you want to pay little-by-little as you wait, that is an option as well. The choice is yours.

With just 25% down, our eZ-Pay Interest Free Layaway Plan allows you to “pay for it while you wait for it,” no fees, ever!

7. Silencer Central Offers Barrel Threading

If you have a gun safe full of firearms you want to shoot suppressed, but they aren’t threaded, no worries. You can have them quickly, precisely, and correctly threaded from the same place you are getting your silencer from. The #1 leader in silencers is also paving the way in quick turnaround times for threading your firearms as well.

Get your rifles threaded with the fastest threading service in the nation. We thread with precision using a CNC lathe.

10 Reasons Why Silencer Central is the ULTIMATE Silencer Resource

8. Silencer Central Knows the Rules

A key component to purchasing a silencer and properly filling out the paperwork is understanding the rules. A lot of us are grumbling under our breath that we even need to be filling out paperwork, but if you fill out your forms wrong, you could incorrectly be denied on your purchase. So, having a stalwart, authoritative company to help you through the process is very important.

Attended compliance conferences with ATF for almost 20 years, been recognized on ATF Advisory Boards for industry feedback.

9. Silencer Central Prioritizes Safety & Security

If you end up purchasing multiple silencers or simply one, you can always be assured that your sensitive, personal information is protected. Its protected in the regard that it will never be shared with anyone who should not have access to it, and after your 1st purchase, additional silencers are much easier to file paperwork for because that initial legwork/homework was previously accomplished and retained.

It is our job to protect your sensitive information including gun trusts and fingerprint records; keeping your data secure for your next purchase.

10. Silencer Central Performs E-Form Submission to the ATF

When purchasing a silencer, paper submissions to the ATF are not only slower for you, but it is also slower for the ATF to process. Silencer Central intimately understands this so they make your paperwork become digital before filing so you have the fastest conceivable approval possible. They are on your side.

As part of the original beta testing before they go Live, we submit your paperwork to the ATF digitally to speed up your approval. All for free.

10 Reasons Why Silencer Central is the ULTIMATE Silencer Resource

So, there you have it! Silencer Central is the leader for silencer sales not only because they have a bevy to choose from, but because they are supportive, efficient, and will get you through the headache of paperwork as pain-free as possible. In fact, if you have been thinking of getting a silencer yet this year, you are in luck. Right now, Silencer Central is running a “Buy One, Get One FREE Sale through the end of the year.

BOGO is back! Silencer Central is offering a limited release of the new and improved BANISH® 22K-V2, now 100% titanium with enhanced sound performance. Get your free rimfire silencer with the purchase of a qualifying BANISH® silencer.*

Buy Online or CALL (866) 717-5495 and our sales specialists will be on hand and ready to take your call.

Offer includes Silencer Central’s no-interest eZ-Pay, Free NFA Gun Trust, and your silencer delivered to your front door.

When purchasing online your FREE 22K-V2 will be automatically added to your cart.

Many of our staff here at AllOutdoor have been fortunate enough to either shoot silencers from Silencer Central or tour their factory. Their operation, the silencers, staff, essentially everything about them is impressive. Their professionalism and expediency in processing paperwork is unmatched. If you are in need of a silencer, there is only one place to go, and it is Silencer Central. As always, let us know all of your thoughts in the Comments below! We always appreciate your feedback.

10 Reasons Why Silencer Central is the ULTIMATE Silencer Resource

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Managing Editor - AllOutdoor.com | Writer - TheFirearmBlog.com | Writer - OutdoorHub.com | Writer - TheArmoryLife.com | Writer - Tyrant Designs CNC Blog | Smith & Wesson Certified Armorer | Glock Certified Armorer | Firefighter/First Responder | Mayor of St. Joseph, MN | Instagram: strength_in_arms