New Code Blue Buck Tarsal Gland, Adjustable Drip Bags & 2 Oz XL Scents


New Code Blue Buck Tarsal Gland, Adjustable Drip Bags & 2 Oz XL Scents

Code Blue has announced several new products as we are in full swing of the archery industry’s ATA Show (Archery Trade Association Show) and the even more trafficked SHOT Show 2023 (Shooting, Hunting, Outdoors Trade Show) is on our doorstep (slated to begin next week). A Code Blue Buck Tarsal Gland, Adjustable Drip Bags, 2 Oz XL Scents, and much more have been announced which should fuel our future hunting seasons throughout 2023 by prolonging scent, enhancing scrape success, and provoking responses from dominant bucks.

Code Blue Coverage on AllOutdoor

Code Blue Buck Tarsal Gland

Code Blue brings to us an authentic Buck Tarsal Gland (containing a whole tarsal gland soaked in urine collected from a single buck) to get deer in your area moving, traveling, and excited. A buck’s tarsal gland secretes odors to signal dominance; thus, this tarsal gland allows you to lure dominant bucks out of the shadows. It is attached to a zip tie making hanging it over scrapes and branches simple. After use, it simply can be placed back into the resealable packaging.

  • Whole tarsal gland with 2 fl. oz. of Buck Urine
  • Resealable packaging
  • Seasonal use: Early, mid, late
  • Urine collected using the From One Deer to One Bottle® process, guaranteeing each package contains urine from only one deer
Code Blue Buck Tarsal Gland
Code Blue Buck Tarsal Gland – MSRP $14.99

Code Blue Screamin’ Heat XL & Scrape Mate XL

The new Code Blue Screamin’ Heat XL utilizes pure estrous urine from one unique doe and is further enhanced with natural female secretions. This makes it one of the hottest scents on the market to attract and bring in bucks. The Scrape Mate XL you can use in conjunction while hunting because it is comprised of a unique hunting scent containing urine from an individual buck (intensified with glandular secretions). This will drive competition amongst the bucks in your area and hopefully make them more active while you are hunting.

  • Liquid
  • Pour on primary or mock scrapes, use with wicks, or drags
  • 2 fl. oz. amber glass bottle
  • Seasonal use: Early, mid, late
  • Collected using the From One Deer to One Bottle process, guaranteeing each bottle contains urine from only one deer
Code Blue Buck Tarsal Gland
Code Blue: Screamin’ Heat XL (MSRP $24.99 – Pictured Above) | Scrape Mate XL (MSRP $19.99)

Code Blue Grave Digger Doe Estrous Dripper & Grave Digger Scrape Mate Dripper

Some new, compact scent dispersal units coming out from Code Blue are the Grave Digger Doe Estrous Dripper and Grave Digger Scrape Mate Dripper. Both of these allow for consistent scent dissemination with an adjustable drip rate, can be hung from a tree, or dragged behind you while walking in the woods.

  • Liquid
  • 2 fl. oz. opaque plastic dripper bag
  • Adjustable drip rate
  • Includes plastic hanging tie
  • Seasonal Use
    • Doe Estrous: Mid, late
    • Scrape Mate: All season use
  • Collected using the From One Deer to One Bottle process, guaranteeing each package contains urine from only one deer
Code Blue Buck Tarsal Gland
Code Blue Grave Digger Doe Estrous Dripper & Grave Digger Scrape Mate Dripper (MSRP $12.99)

Code Blue Code Red Doe Estrous Dripper & Code Red Buck Urine Dripper

Code Blue’s more affordable Code Red blended line adds the Code Red Doe Estrous Dripper best for luring in bucks during mid-to-late season and the Code Red Buck Urine Dripper used early in the season to pique curiosity. Then, it can be deployed again later in the season as a territorial-infringement attractant.

  • Liquid
  • 3 fl. oz. opaque plastic dripper bag
  • Adjustable drip rate
  • Includes plastic hanging tie
  • Seasonal Use
    • Doe Estrous: Mid, late
    • Buck Urine: All season use
Code Blue Buck Tarsal Gland
Code Blue Code Red Doe Estrous Dripper & Code Red Buck Urine Dripper (MSRP $9.99)

All of these attractants and tools to utilize them while hunting should become available in the coming months if they are not already available. It always seems like hunting season is far away, but it will come sooner than we think. If you are in need of scents and attractants, Code Blue has everything you will need this fall. As always, let us know all of your thoughts in the Comments below and if you are excited to try out new products like Code Blue Buck Tarsal Gland! We always appreciate your feedback.

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