RMEF Helps Expand Montana’s Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area
Adam Scepaniak 12.28.22

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) is back at it again contributing to habitat management and growth in the state of Montana. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) this time has worked with the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) to expand the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area. This collaborative effort added 829 acres to the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area through work with private landowners increasing the area’s overall size to 56,980 acres.
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) Coverage on AllOutdoor
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Missoula, Montona – “Buyers noted the beauty and potential of this acreage and reached out to Roger and Gayle Burnett about it, but they chose wildlife and conservation over development. We salute and thank them for their conservation ethic and values,” said Kyle Weaver, RMEF president and CEO.
About 30 miles west of Butte, the property features open grasslands with sagebrush and bitterbrush foothills as well as aspen, willows and forestland. It supplies elk with winter, calving and summer range as well as important habitat for mule deer, moose, pronghorn antelope and other wildlife.
Because portions of Willow Creek and Mill Creek cross the property, in addition to various springs, the resulting wetlands and riparian habitat are vital for brook trout, westslope cutthroat trout, other fish species, beavers and more bird and animal species.
Montana is home to some of the most scenic views of the great west and is prime habitat for elk within the United States. To see so much land donated and conserved at once to expand the reach of the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area is truly tremendous. As always, let us know all of your thoughts in the Comments below! We always appreciate your feedback.