Are You Nuts? Know your Fishing Knots! – Arbor Knot


Are You Nuts? Know your Fishing Knots! – Arbor Knot

Today we’re going to be covering the Arbor Knot, a very simple knot with only one purpose in fishing. The only reason you will ever tie an Arbor Knot is because you are spooling up a fishing reel up with line. As the name implies its used to attach line to the “arbor” which in this case is the center of fishing reel spool. It is based on a noose knot so it pulling on the mainline tightens it up. It consists of two overhand knots, so if you’re capable of tying your shoes you can tie the Arbor Knot. When it comes to spooling up your fishing reel, if you are using monofilament fishing line you don’t need to use any sort of tape for grip to the spool. But if you are spooling up braided fishing line you need to put down some sort of backing for grip on the reel or the braided fishing line can slip. For this you can use a small piece of electrical tape, some lines even give you a small sticker for you to use for just that purpose.

Are You Nuts? Know your Fishing Knots! – Arbor Knot
The plastic “arbor” is a stand-in for a fishing reel spool

Step 1

The first step is getting your main line and running it around the spool, “arbor” of the reel.

Are You Nuts? Know your Fishing Knots! – Arbor Knot

Step 2

The next thing to do is, using the tag end of the main line make an overhand knot around the main line, then cinch it down.

Are You Nuts? Know your Fishing Knots! – Arbor Knot

Are You Nuts? Know your Fishing Knots! – Arbor Knot

Step 3

After you cinch down the first overhand knot around the main line, using the tag make another overhand knot with just the tag of the line. Cinch that second overhand knot down.

Are You Nuts? Know your Fishing Knots! – Arbor Knot

Step 4

Once the overhand knots are done you can pull on the mainline to tighten up the arbor knot to the spool, then clip the tag end of the line short and you are ready to spool up your fishing reel.

Are You Nuts? Know your Fishing Knots! – Arbor Knot

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Writer for and Lifelong angler that will fish for anything that swim, firearms enthusiast, and hunter. Instagram - mrfish49