Are You Nuts? Know your Fishing Knots! – TN Knot
Eugene L. 11.07.22

This is an interesting knot that comes out of Japan, besides that I don’t know too much of it’s history for certain. I found it a few years back online when I originally started slow-pitch jigging. The TN Knot was either made by Norihiro Sato or just recommended by him, either way, this is my go-to knot when connecting to a swivel when I go jigging offshore. The knot has incredible strength and abrasion resistance which is critical in slow-pitch jigging when everything is already being worked to their limits. From a technical stand point, this is a very easy knot to tie, but when you actually tie it’s pretty involved. Now I’m not saying this to dissuade you from tying this knot just so you know you won’t get it on your first try.
Step 1
Run the line through the eye of the hook
Step 2
Run the tag end of the line through the eye of the hook two more times being careful not to overlap the line on itself as you do that.
Step 3
Take the tag end of the line then run it around the mainline and then through the two original loops that were made in Step 2 and then through the third loop that was just made.
Step 4
Then pull the knot tight, and make sure again the loops are not overlapping again.
Step 5
Then start making alternating half-hitch knots using the tag end of the line. You want to stack them up, making sure the first few are very tight as you do this. Keep everything tight and straight as you do this.
Step 6
Once you do 15 half-hitch knots, clip the tag end and use a lighter to bubble the tip of the tag end. Be careful to not burn your mainline but once this is done, your TN Knot is complete and ready to jig whatever your heart desires.