Silencer Central Achieves Ranking on the 2022 Inc. 5000 Annual List
Adam Scepaniak 08.22.22

It goes without saying that the last 3 years have been some of the most tumultuous any of us have ever seen before. Even with that being said, some companies like Silencer Central are still pressing forward growing, changing, and adapting to difficult markets. In fact, they are so resilient and successful at this that they have achieved a spot on the prestigious 2022 Inc. 5000 Annual List!
Silencer Central Coverage on AllOutdoor
- Silencer Central to Display Suppressors at 2022 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
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Silencer Central, America’s largest suppressor dealer, was ranked No. 1309 on the annual Inc. 5000 list. Some of the country’s most prestigious independent businesses saw their first national exposure on this list including Facebook, Chobani, Under Armour, Microsoft, Patagonia, and many other well-known names. Brandon Maddox, the CEO of Silencer Central, exclaimed his excitement for this rare honor:
“This is such an honor to receive. It is extremely exciting to be featured on this list alongside so many other amazing brands. Over the last few years, we have experienced a tremendous amount of growth, and brand recognition. We will continue to raise the bar, set strategic goals, and push ourselves to new limits, offering firearm enthusiasts suppressors they need and want.”
Silencer Central has been in the firearm and suppressor industry for 17 years now offering compliancy, knowledge, and community education in firearm sound suppression. This extends not only to the customers they serve, but their own staff as well. As one of the sole retailers that focuses exclusively on silencers, the brand has been able to offer the highest focus to their development and sale. Staff members are continuously educated on all things silencers so that they may share that same knowledge with others in the firearms industry.
“The accomplishment of building one of the fastest-growing companies in the U.S., in light of recent economic roadblocks, cannot be overstated,” says Scott Omelianuk, editor-in-chief of Inc. “Inc. is thrilled to honor the companies that have established themselves through innovation, hard work, and rising to the challenges of today.”
Make no mistake, what Silencer Central is achieving in South Dakota – and across the United States as a whole – is no small feat! They are shaking up what was thought to be a “settled industry” where not much new change could occur. I’ve personally gotten silencers from Silencer Central and know many friends who have as well. Have you? As always, let us know all of your thoughts in the Comments below! We always appreciate your feedback.