Can CWD Be Solved? New Video from The High Road Group
Luke Cuenco 07.08.22

CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease) is a problem that has been spreading across the nation’s whitetail populations at an alarming rate. If you’re even the least bit concerned with the conservation of our native deer populations, you’ll be interested to know that there is, in fact, hope on the horizon, at least according to a recent video published on YouTube by The High Road Group. The video entitled, Chronic Wasting Disease: A Thing of the Past? debuted at the beginning of July and in that video Dr. Christopher Seabury from the North American Deer Registry and Keith Warren of the Deer Farming Channel discuss the why, the how, and the what in regards to CWD and how we can solve it.
Can CWD be Solved? New Video from the High Road Group
This 52 minute online video features Dr. Christopher Seabury who is the leading scientist for the North American Deer Registry, a global genetic registry for whitetail deer. Dr. Seabury’s research on thousands of whitetails that were depopulated from CWD positive facilities has revealed very important information on how genetics play a role with CWD. Seabury has identified specific genetic traits in whitetails that can make them more susceptible to the always fatal deer disease. Seabury’s research is eye opening and reveals a strategic way to breed the susceptibility to CWD out of whitetail deer by focusing on Genetic Estimated Breeding Values.
“This is a must see video for anyone concerned with the future of whitetail deer. I’m certain that every Wildlife Agency in the country will be keenly interested in what this video reveals. I’m grateful to the North American Deer Registry for allowing us to bring this video to the market”, said Keith Warren.
Most interesting in the topics discussed in the video is the concept that CWD susceptibility can actually be bred out of specific deer herds and that this new research being conducted by scientists like Dr. Seabury could hold the key to stopping the rampant spread of CWD in this country. A truly interesting video for any outdoorsmen or hardcore whitetail hunter! Watch, and let us know what you think of it down in the comments!