AO Review: 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kit 50 Lb – Physical Training-Ready
Adam Scepaniak 06.08.21

If the last year and half has taught us anything about our fitness needs it would be how important it is to have the tools and resources to workout from home – or essentially anywhere you desire. Whether you are a hunter, shooter, medic, firefighter, law enforcement officer, and/or someone who earnestly wants to be physically prepared for any given day’s challenges, then the ability to adapt and creatively workout is paramount. That is exactly what 5.11 Tactical aims to offer with their New PT-R Weight Kit (Physical Training-Ready) in 50 and 100 Lb options. With my background of being a firefighter and an avid outdoorsman, we requested one of 5.11 Tactical’s PT-R Weight Kits to put it to the test in this review today. Let’s dive in!
Specifications – 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kit 50 Lb – Physical Training-Ready
What is unique about the 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kit in either of its size options is that it is not simply another sandbag for working out. This one can be dis-assembled for kettlebell-style workouts and broken down to its original, raw materials for packing it away while traveling. So, wherever you go this PT-R Weight Kit can go. All you need to do is simply add sand. All of the finite specifications for the PT-R Weight Kit can be read below as presented by 5.11 Tactical:
- 1050D Nylon
- 4″H x 28″L x 9″D
- 1,282 cubic in / 21-liter total capacity
- Weight: 1.19kgs (bag + 2 liners)
- Heavy duty Physical Training Ready bag with 2 PT-R 25 lb liners included
- Dual PT-R Liners can be used separately or placed inside the weight bag
- Roll top liners allow for easy fill
- Reinforced non-slip grab handles
- Single side opening with protected zipper
- No hardware design for comfort and durability
The 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kits are available in colors of Kangaroo or Black, in sizes of 50 or 100 Lb, and respectively go for $139.99 or $159.99 each. The 4 different options workout enthusiasts have to pick from can be found HERE. The PT-R Weight Kit we are specifically reviewing here today is the 50 Lb Kit in 5.11’s Kangaroo color option. Further information on this Weight Kit can be read below through 5.11 Tactical’s Press Release statement:
Enlist in the always training lifestyle with our PT-R Weight Kit 50. Two PT-R 25 liners capable of holding 25 pounds of sand* are included, along with a zippered Physical Training – Ready bag to haul the challenging 50 pounds. The liners can be used separately as training weights and feature roll-top openings to minimize setup pain. The PT-R bag features eight reinforced non-slip handles that are ideally suited for a variety of workouts. Double-layer reinforcement on the bottom and end panels shuns abrasion that forces lesser bags to surrender.
Assembly – 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kit 50 Lb – Physical Training-Ready
When it comes to assembling or fashioning this weight kit for your preferred mode of cardio there is “some assembly required,” but we assure you it is lightyears easier than any furniture coming from Ikea. On one end of the large PT-R Weight Kit is a zippered enclosure that you will want to open. This gives you access to your two PT-R 25 Liners capable of holding 25 pounds of sand individually.
When it comes to filling and closing the PT-R 25 Liners the Word-of-the-Day is “Velcro.” There is a Velcroed mouth opening to the PT-R 25 Liners where you can pour in your sand. Then, once they are plump full, immediately below the Velcroed mouth is another line of Velcro so the mouth can be folded over even more securely (no one wants their PT-R Weight Kit to leak in the middle of a workout). Once this is complete, you can roll the mouth down to the side like its a sleeping bag (do this really crisp and tight) where it will meet… you guessed it… more Velcro! This ensures your neat and precise sleeping bag roll technique stays exactly where you put it.
To quadruple ensure nothing shakes out of place there is a flap that finally folds over the top and is Velcroed in place as well. I viewed this as a type of abrasive guard. If you are dropping your PT-R 25 Liners because you are fatigued and haphazardly using them liking kettlebells, that final Velcro flap will ensure nothing gets jostled loose in the middle of your triumphant workout.
Once you have filled both of the PT-R 25 Liners, you have the option to dive into some double or single kettlebell style workouts or you can insert them back into the larger PT-R Weight Kit. To do the latter, you simply drop in your PT-R 25 Liners that have been filled and enclosed with sand, and securely close the zippered end. Once that is done, you have endless options to do barbell style workouts with your Weight Kit. Now, the real fun begins!
Application – 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kit 50 Lb – Physical Training-Ready
When it comes to working out with the PT-R Weight Kit your only limitations are your creativity in using the Weight Kit. If your end goal is to be able to shoot (for defense, competition, and/or hunting) better with an elevated heart rate, then the 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kit could be a perfect companion to bring with you to an outdoor shooting range. Most will have sand or soft dirt readily available somewhere if your Weight Kit is not already assembled. Then, it is up to you to get your blood pumping to push and test the limits of your abilities.
If you want to construct CrossFit style workouts for yourself to be more physically prepared for the rigors of your occupation, there are innumerable movements you can achieve with the Weight Kit. Listed below is a small sample of some of the workout movements you could try with the fully-assembled Weight Kit in either its 50 or 100 Lb design (depending on which one you purchase).
- Weighted Lunges
- Weighted Ruck (Walk/Run)
- Power Clean | Hang Clean | Squat Clean
- Strict Press | Push Press | Push Jerk
- Clean ‘n Jerk
- Back Squat | Front Squat | Overhead Squat
- Thruster (Squat with Overhead Extension)
- Cluster (Power Clean + Thruster)
- Sandbag Drag
- Burpees-over-Bag (Complete a Burpee Parallel to Weight Kit and jump laterally across)
All of the previously mentioned workout movements can be completed with one or two of the PT-R 25 Liners, but you can also do all of these movements as well with the PT-R Weight Kit broken down:
- American Kettlebell Swing (Swing to Full Extension with PT-R 25 Liner overhead)
- Russian Kettlebell Swing (Swing to 90 degrees – parallel to the ground)
- Turkish “Get Up” with Kettlebell
- Snatch
- Lat/Deltoid Raises
- Bicep Curls | Tricep Extensions
The beauty and tremendous burden of doing a workout with the PT-R Weight Kit in its many forms and variations is that the weights are semi-fluid. What we mean by this is they are not stiff, rigid, and predictable like a barbell or dumbbell. Your body needs to use its fine and gross motor skills to maintain the path of the object – the PT-R Weight Kit or PT-R 25 Liners – while doing workout movements.
Why is this beneficial and why would someone deviate from barbells and dumbbells to use these? In real life, we are constantly negotiating with unstable weights. A mother needs to pick up her squirrelly child and place them in the back seat of their car. A firefighter needs to drag a limp, heavy fire hose that is charged with water to put out a fire. A law enforcement officer needs to maintain control of a criminal while in handcuffs for the safety of the general public, himself/herself, and for the criminal’s own bodily safety.
While raw strength for men and women is always beneficial in work and our everyday lives, it is equally valuable knowing how to manipulate and control unstable weights. With repetition and practice we can be more confident, strong, and capable regardless of our physique or stature compared to others. One of the many mantras that 5.11 Tactical implores their users to live by is “Always Be Ready,” and the PT-R Weight Kit can help you do that.
Final Thoughts – 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kit 50 Lb – Physical Training-Ready
So, what are my final thoughts on the 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kit?… Overall, I believe it was very intuitive to use, assemble, and workout with. I never ventured to the internet to have questions answered about the product because you could intuit everything you needed to know simply by handling the product. While using it for nearly all of the different movements previously mentioned, the bag never leaked sand once. We jokingly stated that the Word-of-the-Day was “Velcro,” but it could have just as easily been “reliable” and “secure” as well.
I chose the Kangaroo color because my thought process was if the Weight Kit gets dirty (you are loading it up with sand after all) hopefully that color will not show wear, dirt, and grime as much. After a thorough month of use I can definitely say that is true. The PT-R Weight Kit essentially looks brand new yet.
For those who are on the fence about what size Weight Kit to buy, I would recommend contemplating on whether you will do more Kettlebell movements or ‘whole Weight Kit’ movements. For an average-build male like myself, the Weight Kit was on the lighter side for whole Weight Kit movements (using a 50 Lb Kit), but when completing Kettlebell movements the PT-R 25 Liners felt appropriate in size. Jumping from 25 Lb sand Kettlebells to 50 Lb would be quite the challenge. Overall, with pricing varying from $139.99 – $159.99 I resoundingly believe the 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kit is worth the asking price.
In closing, I want to say thank you to 5.11 Tactical for allowing AllOutdoor and myself the opportunity to try out their 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kit 50 Lb. That is greatly appreciated. Also, we would like to know what all of you guys and gals think? Do you believe that the 5.11 Tactical PT-R Weight Kit 50 Lb is something worth spending your money on? As always, let us know all of your thoughts in the Comments below! We always appreciate your feedback.
Wardrobe, Video, and Photography
All of the quality photography for this review was completed by the accomplished and wonderful Savannah Pierson of Savvy Photage while the video work was achieved by the versatile and gifted Jens Kallgren of High Shine Media. All of the clothing and gear items from this editorial review can be found through their associated links below: