POTD: Not a Mare’s Leg, but still a Lever-Action Pistol – The Volcanic


POTD: Not a Mare’s Leg, but still a Lever-Action Pistol – The Volcanic

Welcome to today’s Photo of the Day! I mean everyone knows about the Volcanic Pistol, right? You know, a lever-action pistol, the company was a precursor to Winchester, founded by both Smith and Wesson? No? I will let Rock Island Auction Company take it away:

“This Lever Action Navy pistol was manufactured by the Volcanic Repeating Arms Company c. 1856-57. This pistol has a blued barrel with integral 10-shot magazine, plain brass frame, casehardened lever with distinctive finger hole and two-piece, varnished walnut grips. The Type I barrel has a full rib, crowned muzzle, rounded T-bar spring, pinch-top, nickel-silver, front sight and clam-shell shaped, steel, magazine follower. The top barrel flat is roll-stamped with the three-line legend: “THE VOLCANIC/REPEATING ARMS CO./PATENT NEWHAVEN CONN. FEB. 14.1854″…

…The pistol has been period altered to accept a brass cartridge. The bolt has been modified with a new firing pin and a screw-fastened extractor on the top. The top of the receiver has been milled to accept the extractor on the top of the bolt. A slot has been milled in the top of the barrel chamber to accommodate the new extractor. Follower spring partially absent. The lever and hammer screws may be period replacements. The bolt and receiver alterations are professionally done. The modifications represent an attempt to overcome the primary weakness of Volcanic firearms – the underpowered and unreliable ‘Rocket Ball’ cartridge.”

Hopefully, we can talk about Rocket Ball ammunition at a later date!

Lot 2: Volcanic Repeating Arms Company Lever Action Navy Pistol [Photograph found in Premier Firearms Auction #82, Rock Island Auction Company]. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2021, from https://www.rockislandauction.com/detail/82/2/volcanic-repeating-arms-company-lever-action-navy-pistol

Avatar Author ID 286 - 225199710

Writer | TheFirearmBlog Writer | AllOutdoor.com Instagram | sfsgunsmith Old soul, certified gunsmith, published author, avid firearm history learner, and appreciator of old and unique guns.

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