Don’t Neglect Pre-Hunt Gear Inspections: It Might Come Back & Haunt You


Don’t Neglect Pre-Hunt Gear Inspections: It Might Come Back & Haunt You

It seems everywhere around my neighborhood and town hunters are getting ready for the opening day of deer gun season in just a week and are completing gear inspections. Deer trucks can be seen at the tire shops and gas stations. Lines are forming at the outdoor supply stores to buy last minute stuff for camp and maybe an extra box of ammo if they can find any. I see trailers with ATVs loaded sitting in driveways getting ready to head out.

In fact, my next door neighbor had his ATV loaded up last weekend. I walked over to chat about his prep for hunting to discover he found out the battery on his machine was dead from being in summer storage. Worse yet, he found out the ATV he just bought brand new year before last did not have a pull cord starter option. He called the dealer to ask to be told that model does not have one. If the battery died in the woods far away from camp or help, you’re just, well, screwed. If you happen to be buying a new one, check out that feature as part of your regular gear inspections.

So, Richard was off to find an ATV battery to get installed. At least it was not the morning of leaving for deer camp. It reminded me to check the battery on my rig and to hook up the battery charger just in case. I gave the optional pull rope a tug just to test it, and the Honda ATV roared to life. I also aired all the tires, a couple being below factory spec. How about yours?

We harp on readiness here at AllOutdoor because we are preppers waiting on any type of natural or unnatural disaster to befall us, but also as hunters we preach gear inspections, maintenance, and prep as well. As you start packing for deer camp this fall, take a few minutes to double check all the things you will be using to insure all is in order.

Check all your flashlights for fresh batteries. Buy new gasoline for everything that uses it. Sharpen your hunting knives and camp axes. If you camp out at deer camp, give all that gear a once over. If you use propane for heat and cooking at camp, did you remember to have the tank filled or bottles replaced?

Check your hunting equipment. Run a clean swab down the bores of your hunting guns. Count your ammo. Put new batteries in rangefinders and lighted scopes. Polish your boots and check laces. Pack a first aid kit. Inspect your hunting clothes. Ice? Food? What else?

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Award winning outdoor writer/photographer since 1978. Over 3000 articles and columns published nationally. Field & Stream Hero of Conservation in 2007. Fields of writing includes hunting most game in American, Canada, and Europe, fishing fresh and saltwater, destination travel, product reviews, industry consulting, and conservation issues. Currently VP at largest community college in Mississippi in economic development and workforce training with 40 years of experience in Higher Education. BS-MS in wildlife sciences from MO. University, and then a PhD in Industrial Psychology. Married with two children and Molly the Schnoodle.