Savage Arms Announces Savage Journeys: Documenting Unscripted Hunting Adventures


Savage Arms Announces Savage Journeys: Documenting Unscripted Hunting Adventures

The magic of a moment. Imagine being able to preserve it forever, to be able to share it with the world. Savage Arms is doing just that by documenting the unscripted hunts of novice and experienced hunters across the United States as part of their new series: Savage Journey.

Over the next year, episodes will be available at, with the current schedule indicating one episode will be featured each month. Much of hunting is not just about the harvest, but about the journey. Many successful hunts conclude without a harvest and this multimedia project seeks to explore what makes hunting alluring and challenging. The series also seeks to inspire more participation in the hunting tradition, with September’s episode focused on fifteen-year-old Raegan Pirtle, a first-time hunter guided by Pass it On Outdoor Mentors member Brittany Waldman.

Savage Arms
New hunter Raegan Pirtle guided by her mentor Brittany Waldman on a Kansas Youth Hunt. Photo by: Savage Arms

Savage Arms approached Outdoor Mentors with their Accu-Fit system, inviting them to feature it as part of a Kansas mentored youth hunt. Waldman stated that the Accu-Fit system on Savage firearms allows her to adjust each gun to the size of the youth she is mentoring. Rather than expect a new hunter to have his or her own well-fitted firearm, she can supply something that can be adjusted to fit both the mentor and mentee, allowing for a positive experience all-around. The Savage Accu-Fit system was introduced at the 2018 SHOT Show and allows the user to adjust length of pull and comb height of a rifle. It is designed to grow with a hunter or rifle shooter as well as to be used by more than one person, as displayed in the mentor-mentee relationship.

            “Every sportsman, even those with years of backcountry success, tackles unexpected challenges while hunting. This is what makes a lifetime of hunting such an incredible journey. Savage is proud to celebrate those who never quit and allow their boots to carry them over the next ridge. Follow Savage as we capture the experiences of new and experienced hunters as they embrace the unknown and face the unforeseen challenges inherent on their hunts.” – October 7, 2020 Press Release

Follow along with Savage as they set out to show what hunting really is – and think about what it means to you. What challenges have you faced? How have you overcome them? If you are new to hunting, seek out a mentor who can show you the way and recognize that everyone starts somewhere.

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Serena Juchnowski is currently a writer for AllOutdoor who has chosen not to write a short bio at this time.