Harrell’s Top Five Deer Hunting Tips
Russ Chastain 09.08.20

(Image: Screenshot from video)
Three years ago, Paul Harrell posted a video called “Five tips for successful deer hunting.” Hmmm, whatever could they be? Let’s find out.
“Why ‘top five?’ Because people seem to love top five lists — and because I only know five things about deer hunting!”
1) Hunt deer where the deer are
Super obvious? Yep. But also something worth pointing out, because many a greenhorn hunter has spent days and days hunting where there just aren’t that many deer. Like Paul, it took me numerous seasons before I got my first deer, because back then there weren’t nearly as many deer in the world. And I didn’t know a heck of a lot about finding out where the deer liked to hang around. To that end, Paul offers some pointers:
- Scout early for fresh deer sign
- Use trail cameras
- Look around at night
2) Use the right method for the area
Paul uses more words than that, but that’s what he meant. And he covers three methods of hunting and what sorts of conditions they are best suited to.
- Still hunting. Unlike its name, “still hunting” is actually about a hunter moving through the woods or fields.
- Stand hunting. You can sit while hunting from a stand. The stand itself is simply some sort of elevated platform from which a hunter may observe critters.
- Driving deer. Some hunters or “drivers” walk through an area making noise to push or drive the deer ahead of them while other hunters select a place ahead of the “drivers” to patiently await any deer which may come by, spooked by the drivers.
3) Use the right firearm.
Use a cartridge and firearm that’s suited to the terrain and area in which you will be hunting, and above all, make sure you can shoot it accurately with the ammo you’ll be using.
4) Prepare for the hunt.
This means things like buying your hunting license and making sure you have it with you, sharp skinning knives/gear, flashlight, spare batteries, binoculars, etc. It also means preparing yourself physically if you don’t live an active lifestyle outside of deer season.
5) Be skeptical of deer hunting “experts.”
He’s right, you know. Most folks who claim to know it all are usually, well, know-it-alls. And as Paul points out, some hunters will lie to others intentionally just to throw them off.
Oddly enough, he really does stop at 5 this time. Enjoy the video.