Forgotten Weapons: No, it Doesn’t Take Glock Mags


Forgotten Weapons: No, it Doesn’t Take Glock Mags

“But does it take Glock mags?”

To some folks, that’s the ultimate question about any gun, especially semi-auto carbines chambered for handgun rounds. But in the video below, Ian of Forgotten Weapons opines on the subject, telling folks why Glock magazines are not the greatest thing in the history of time — at least for some applications.

Ian pontificates on such things as double-stacking, single feed, double feed, curved magazine bodies, strength of polymer vs. steel, magazine catch location, and action hold-opens in an attempt to educate the masses on why some designs work better for other applications.

There’s not a heck of a lot else to say about this video, so I’ll turn you over to Ian now. Hope you enjoy it!

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Editor & Contributing Writer Russ Chastain is a lifelong hunter and shooter who has spent his life learning about hunting, shooting, guns, ammunition, gunsmithing, reloading, and bullet casting. He started toting his own gun in the woods at age nine and he's pursued deer with rifles since 1982, so his hunting knowledge has been growing for more than three and a half decades. His desire and ability to share this knowledge with others has also grown, and Russ has been professionally writing and editing original hunting & shooting content since 1998. Russ Chastain has a passion for sharing accurate, honest, interesting hunting & shooting knowledge and stories with people of all skill levels.