[SHOT Show 2020] Pull and Release: Ruger 10/22 Binary Trigger from Franklin Armory
Russ Chastain 01.23.20
![[SHOT Show 2020] Pull and Release: Ruger 10/22 Binary Trigger from Franklin Armory [SHOT Show 2020] Pull and Release: Ruger 10/22 Binary Trigger from Franklin Armory](/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/franklin-armory-binary-10-22.jpg)
At the 2020 SHOT Show Range Day, we got to shoot plenty of cool stuff. One of those things was Franklin Armory‘s new binary trigger for the 10/22.
The trigger’s switch has three positions: Safe, Semi, and Binary.
On safe, the gun won’t fire (duh). On Semi, the ol’ Ruger bangs once-per-squeeze just like you’re used to. But on binary, the rifle fires with each squeeze and release of the trigger.
In other words, one pull and release the trigger = two shots fired.
It’s a lot of fun.
The trigger will initially be released as a “parts only” kit, but they are exploring options for a “drop in” trigger pack for the future.
MSRP will be $299.99, and they said it should be available in the first half of 2020.
From their press release:
Minden, NV, January 16, 2020 Franklin Armory® is excited to introduce our 9th binary trigger. We successfully adapted the patented Generation 3 Binary Firing System (TM) to the Ruger® 10/22® platform. We have done extensive prototyping and testing. The final configuration will be placed into production soon. Sign up for our emailing list for pre-order notifications of the BFSIIITM for 10/22®.
Franklin Armory® President, Jay Jacobson, stated, “Last year, our sales and marketing team tasked our engineers to apply our patented Binary Firing System III (TM) technology to the Ruger® 10/22® platform because the rifles are relatively inexpensive, the ammunition is cheap, and just about every gun owner in the US already has one! I’m pleased with the final result and think our engineers did a great job!”
Fast on the heels of their previous release of the BFSIII (TM) for AK9-C1; Franklin Armory® proves again to be the premier manufacturer of Binary triggers with Nine models currently available.
The first Binary Firing System (TM) was released for the AR platform in 2015. All BFSIII (TM) triggers feature a three-mode safety selector. Mode 1 is “Safe.” Mode 2 is “Semi” for semiautomatic. And Mod 3 is “Binary” mode. In Binary mode, the firearm will discharge one round on the pull of the trigger and one round on the release of the trigger. All BFSIII (TM) models feature the ability to negate the release round in Binary mode by modulating the safety selector back to “Semi” mode or “Safe.” Additionally, all BFSIII (TM) are engineered to prevent the operator from modulating the selector to “Binary” mode while holding the trigger back in “Semi” mode.