Jeff Foxworthy, Extreme Hunter


Jeff Foxworthy, Extreme Hunter

Here’s something a little lighter than the usual fare. It’s a silly video from Jeff Foxworthy; an episode of what he called “The Incomplete Deer Hunter.”

From hunting aggressively while opening pickle jars to encouraging hunt club members to pay their dues, this funny hunting video ought to make even the crustiest old hunter smile, especially the final part, in which two bucks coach the rest of the deer about what to expect (and do) during deer season.

It’s not long; just over six and a half minutes. But that’s long enough to bring you a few giggles.

Happy hunting!

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Editor & Contributing Writer Russ Chastain is a lifelong hunter and shooter who has spent his life learning about hunting, shooting, guns, ammunition, gunsmithing, reloading, and bullet casting. He started toting his own gun in the woods at age nine and he's pursued deer with rifles since 1982, so his hunting knowledge has been growing for more than three and a half decades. His desire and ability to share this knowledge with others has also grown, and Russ has been professionally writing and editing original hunting & shooting content since 1998. Russ Chastain has a passion for sharing accurate, honest, interesting hunting & shooting knowledge and stories with people of all skill levels.