Walmart to End Sales of Handgun Ammunition
Ben Ryder 09.03.19

Walmart has announced today that they will discontinue sales of certain calibers of ammunition in a move that is meant to appease anti-gunners across the Country. When Dicks Sporting Goods stopped sales of AR-15s, they lost $150 million in sales due to the backlash from the pro-gun community. Walmart’s move could sting even more as Walmart currently holds a 20% market share on ammunition sales in the U.S.A.
The full scope of Walmart’s move says one thing: they are fine making money off of certain types of ammo, but others not so much. Their specific decision on ammo sales is that once their current supply of handgun and “short-barrel rifle” ammunition runs out, they will not restock. They will, however, continue to carry less-scary ammo for shotguns and hunting rifles.
I can just hear the future conversations in homes across America:
- Husband: “Hey hunny, can you run up to Walmart and grab me some of that pistol ammo I love so much?
- Wife: “Oh sorry, you didn’t hear? Walmart stopped selling pistol ammo to keep us safe”.
- Husband: “Wow, you know what? Now that I think of it there hasn’t been a single shooting since they stopped stocking that ammo. They solved the problem!”
Like anything being pushed by those who want guns and ammo out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, this move is massively hypocritical. This is more “virtue signaling” from a big brand and it’s meant to penalize gun owners across America. What’s worse is that this move will reduce the options for those gun owners who live in rural areas.
Beyond the ammo decision, Walmart has also decided to stop allowing open carry. They will however allow those with a concealed carry license to continue to do so in their stores. Gee, thanks Walmart!
Here is more from the Associated Press
Walmart says it will discontinue the sale of handgun ammunition and also publicly request that customers refrain from openly carrying firearms in stores even where state laws allow it.
The Bentonville, Arkansas-based discounter said Tuesday it will stop selling short-barrel and handgun ammunition after it runs out of its current inventory. It will also discontinue handgun sales in Alaska, marking its complete exit from handguns and allowing it to focus on hunting rifles and related ammunition only.
“We have a long heritage as a company of serving responsible hunters and sportsmen and women, and we’re going to continue doing so,” according to a memo by Walmart’s CEO Doug McMillon that will be circulated to employees Tuesday afternoon.