300 Coyote Skulls Went Into This Chandelier
Russ Chastain 08.23.19

I recently ran across a Facebook page for a gal named Lauren Hull who has a skull-cleaning business — named, naturally, Hull’s Skulls. And she has created something that’s pretty dang cool.
First, a little about skull cleaning. It’s a great way to preserve part of any animal after it’s dead. In fact, if you do a “European” deer mount, you are actually using a lot more of the deer skull than you would through traditional taxidermy. Cleaning skulls can be a hassle, which is why some enterprising folks — such as Lauren — do it for money.
(Image: Hull’s Skulls)
She recently created a skull chandelier that’s truly breathtaking — composed of roughly 300 coyote skulls!
(Image: Hull’s Skulls)
A couple months ago, she teased her Facebook fans with a short video, saying “Here’s a sneak peek of a project Christina and I are working on!”
Lauren said last week that there will be a video of them putting this beauty together; that should be cool. Stay tuned!