Leupold DeltaPoint Pro Review
Cory Mince 07.25.19

Long before there was ever a debate about the practicality of slide-mounted pistol optics, there was a debate about the practicality of carbine-mounted optics. And before there was a debate about the practicality of carbine optics, there was a debate about the practicality of mounting an optic on a bolt gun.
I served in the Marine Corps at a time when rifle qualification was done with iron sights, and we received our optics in-country. Yes, every Marine was technically capable of shooting human-sized targets at 500 yards, from a prone unsupported position, with iron sights. But, among many lessons learned in the previous 18 years or so at war, combat with iron sights definitely isn’t the best way to do it. Iron sights do one important thing well (they maintain zero) and one important thing poorly (they make it more difficult to see your target). Eventually the Marine Corps figured it out and issued everyone an optic.
In the civilian sector, it is increasingly rare to see a rifle or carbine of any kind at the range without some variety of optic. Optics technology has advanced to the point where reliability is less of a question and everyone has internalized the fact that shooting with an optic has a significant advantage over iron sights. These truths aren’t exclusive to rifle and carbines, and can be applied to pistols as well.
Do you like lining up a bright red dot with your target rather than aligning a rear sight with the front sight, then your target (don’t forget to make sure your rear sight is blurry, front sight is clear, and target is blurry)? Do you like being able to see more of your target rather than less? Perhaps more importantly for defensive situations, do you like to see your target more clearly? If so, perhaps you should consider a slide-mounted pistol optic, specifically the Leupold DeltaPoint Pro.
Intro to the Leupold DeltaPoint Pro
Deltapoint Pro
In years past, I tried a number of pistol optics, and although I really liked the theory of putting a red dot on my pistol, there were a number of obstacles: The first was finding a mounting solution, the second was finding an optic that could stand the incredible beating an optic absorbs riding on a slide, and third, if you could get it mounted, and it was durable, was finding the dot off the draw (I’m thinking of one optic in particular). Now, optics-ready pistols are common and gunsmiths are better equipped for the task.
The Deltapoint Pro (D-Point for short) is a durable optic which is easy to look through and find the reticle. I got my optics-ready pistol and D-Point at the same time and haven’t looked back since. With very little practice, I was able to draw from my holster, find the dot, align it with my clear and unobstructed target, and send a round down range. Soon I was faster with the D-Point from the draw than with my irons. Not only was I quicker from the draw, my target transitions were quicker, and my ability to shoot small targets at distance increased as well.
Below are the specs for the Leupold Deltapoint Pro:
- Weight: 1.95 oz
- Length: 1.82”
- Width: 1.3”
- Height: 1.3”
- Adjustment Increments: 0.5 MOA
- Water Resistance: Waterproof / Fog proof
- Power Source: CR2032 battery
Deltapoint Pro – Reticle (size, zero, brightness)
There are a few reticle options available for the D-Point which consist of varying dot sizes and a triangle reticle. I’m currently running the 2.5 MOA dot and have no intention of replacing it, but I would be interested in dropping a few plate racks with the triangle reticle option.
The brightness of the reticle is adequate for any conditions I’ve encountered so far, light or dark. The D-Point has a single button for on/off and brightness settings. If it’s too bright, press the button until the reticle is sufficiently subdued. If the reticle is too dark, press the button until it’s brightness warms your heart and retina.
Battery life on an optic is always a concern, and Leupold has incorporated a pretty clever system in the D-Point, which they call MST (motion sensor technology). Basically, if the optic sits still for 5 minutes, it will power down, preserving valuable battery life. Not only will the optic power down while idle, it will turn on and return to its most recent brightness setting when moved. This is a super convenient feature that I use all the time. I never turn off my D-Point. Ever. After a year of consistent dry fire and use on the range, as well as numerous below freezing nights in the field, I have only gone through two batteries. Very impressive.
Deltapoint Pro – Durability
Durability is, I believe, the highlight of the D-Point. I have put my Delta-Point through some pretty hard use over the last year. Through numerous truck rides, several drops, and thousands of rounds down range, I’ve never even had to adjust zero on this thing, let alone had any kind of failure. It just keeps chugging along with a consistency rivaling the decline of a Marine’s IQ.
Even more impressive than my experience is my friend Marcus’s experience. He has put somewhere in the neighborhood of 22,000 rounds down range under his DeltaPoint this year, and all he’s had to do is replace batteries. In addition to the rounds downrange, Marcus dry-fires like a man who is a former high-level PRS pro, single, and wants to crush the souls of all his friends on the pistol range.
It’s difficult for me to think of a piece of gear that’s pleased me more than my DeltaPoint has. It has served me admirably and it makes me want to shoot my pistol more. If you are considering a pistol-mounted optic, I’d highly recommend you take a look at the Leupold Deltapoint Pro.
You can find pricing details from Brownells here.