EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: Meprolight Foresight’s Android App
Dickson 07.25.19
We finally have access to a production version of the Meprolight Foresight as well as an early beta version of the Android app. First thing after we received the sight is to plug the USB-C charging cable to charge the unit. The screen came on immediately showing battery life at 50%. It took approximately 15-20 minutes to bring it up to a full charge.
Once the app is installed and with Bluetooth already turned on in my Samsung Galaxy Note smartphone, it found the sight immediately.
Do note “1906DM26110” is the serial # of the sight, it is to avoid confusion if there are multiple Foresight units in the proximity of the phone.
It detected a new firmware is available for the sight, which I wanted to update. Obviously, do make sure your sight and phone are both fully charged. The update process takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Once completed the sight will restart and the app will disconnect.
Once restart is complete, I proceed to setup a new profile for my rifle (it can save up to 10 profiles) which I quickly configure the profile image, rifle name and caliber.
Once you enter the rifle profile, it shows you the reticle and zeroing icons. Click on Reticles, it shows you the option to select 19 total reticles of which you can select up to 5 to upload to the sight. I was informed that in the future the app will have ability to allow you to design your own reticle. Incredible.
Once the selection is made, it will ask you if you want to overwrite the reticles in the sight or keep them. If you select over write, the reticles are uploaded almost right away.
Next we look at the zeroing screen.
The sight can be zero’d thru the sight’s menu with its hardware buttons on the sight itself, or you can do it from the app which is much more convenient.
The sight has been used on and off for about 7 hours now and the battery life is shown at 90%. Next up we will try to get some real life photos of the sight for you in action.
We have indeed stepped into the future with the Meprolight Foresight.