Gallery: Survival Knives and Hatchets at SHOT Show 2019


Gallery: Survival Knives and Hatchets at SHOT Show 2019

I’ve been spending a lot of time lately on blades, axes, hatchets, saws, tomahawks, and other edged tools for emergency preparedness purposes. So when I hit the floor of SHOT 2019 a little over a week ago, I had blades on the brain.

I took some pictures mainly for my own reference, so that I can get keep track of what’s out there and what’s new for 2019. But I thought I’d share a few finds with the AllOutdoor audience, especially given that some of this stuff isn’t quite yet on the market.

But before I show you the goods, here’s what I’ve been up to recently since moving on from being the Editor-in-Chief of AllOutdoor:

All of the guides above are really long and substantial, so take a look if you’re curious about any of those topics and would like to know way more than you ever thought there was to know on any of them.

And now for the gallery, with commentary:

A very nice new hatchet for 2019
This is a great bushcraft blade from OKC
Jungle blades from OKC
A re-issue of the Case knife the Apollo astronauts brought to the moon. No, it’s not for cutting moon rocks — it’s for if they crash landed in the wilderness.
Buck makes a nice throwing hatchet.
A prototype of a TOPS jungle blade that’s coming out
ETE has a new jungle blade out for 2019.
Detail of the Medford sniper knife
Medford Knife & Tool showing its stuff: a variant on the classic USMC knife, and a knife specifically for snipers
A new hatchet/hawk coming out from Condor this year.
Jungle blades from Condor Tool & Knife
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Jon Stokes is Deputy Editor at

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