A Moment in Time: Kansas Hunter Finds Dead Deer Sitting in Creek Bed
Russ Chastain 11.19.18

According to a recent Facebook post, this buck was found by a hunter in Kansas.
Travis Kelley found this buck frozen in a creek bed in northeast Kansas while bow hunting on Saturday. His neck was broken and had a puncture wound in his neck from fighting. That’s one crazy awesome scene!
Frozen?? Hmmm. Doesn’t look frozen. So I dug around a bit.
I found Mr. Kelley’s post, which is simply captioned “the crazy cool things you get to find and see only in the timber.”
the crazy cool things you get to find and see only in the timber
Posted by Travis Kelley on Saturday, November 10, 2018
He only took the two photos of the impressive young buck.
Some highlights from the comments section:
Is he froze there?
Yea dead as a door nail.
His neck is broke and his legs are stuck in mud. From the looks of things around him he was fighting and died like that. He is tore up from fighting, his brow tine is broke, and his back and neck are all scraped up.
It was in the creek over here in Kansas where me and Darren bow hunt.
I found it Saturday morning around 10 AM. I was walking out from bowhuntung in the morning (it was 7 degrees that morning with a windchill around 0).
It was in the same position as of Monday night; the coyotes had not got to it yet. I haven’t been back to that stand yet the wind was wrong last nite.
Pretty cool!