DIY Cardboard AK47 That “Shoots”
Russ Chastain 10.31.18

This is pretty cool to watch, even if you’re more into building stuff from wood and steel than cardboard. This person built a toy replica of an AK rifle, which actually shoots projectiles, which load from a curved detachable magazine. It’s impressive, really.
The first 1:25 or so is just a demo of the “gun,” which gets tedious after a bit. Skip ahead to see some actual building. But mute it unless you want your brain defiled by techno-crap music.
Templates are available as pdf files via links in the video description.
Aside from cardboard, the other main ingredients are hot glue, super glue, construction paper, wood dowels/skewers, rubber bands, and music wire for making the springs. Tools include an X-acto knife, garden pruners, sandpaper, and pliers.
It even includes the “gas tube” and front & rear sights… although my favorite part is the detachable mag.