Sure Shot Game Calls
Ben Cole 10.18.18
![Sure Shot Game Calls Sure Shot Game Calls](/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/B1C9ADD7-8AA3-42F7-B98D-7A1ADAE038FC.jpeg)
For generations hunting has been passed down to the next; however there are certain aspects that have remained the same from the beginning. Sure Shot Game Calls was founded in the early 1950’s by George Yentzen as well as James “cowboy” Fernandez. Together they patented the very first double reed duck call, using rivets to hold reeds together. Shortly after that, in 1959, Cowboy went on to win the world championship duck calling competition in Stuttgart Arkansas. Thus making him the very first to win this prestigious award with a double reed.
During a recent hunt in Canada hosted by Sure Shot Game Calls, Remington, Polaris and many others I realized exactly why these calls have such a rich history and legacy behind them. Apoun arrival I was greeted by a lanyard full of calls, waiting to be used, which really caught my attention. Quickly the realization came that the design hadn’t changed nor had that classic sound that everyone holds dear. Every detail was well defined, even the finish was perfectly done. The call was very comfortable to use and hold for long periods of time, which is generally required to work mallards.
While working mallards hunters often have multiple calls on their lanyards to hit different notes or tones to either get their attention or finish them in the spread. With the Yentzen, from Sure Shot Game Calls, I was able to reach multiple ranges in tone without hesitation or locking up the call, which was very impressive to say the least. Not to mention the large groups of mallards that landed in the spread daily to the calls sweet sound.
After spending some time with Charlie Holder, CEO of Sure Shot Game Calls, I noticed his passion as well as a drive to succeed. Not to mention his outstanding morals which he lives by. Charlie is the type of guy that truly takes pride in his work, is personable and is quite the shot, which makes him a pleasure to be in the blind with at all times.
When it’s all said and done having gear that works day in and day out is crucial when chasing weary fowl that have heard and seen it all as they migrate south for the winter. As for me, there will be a Yentzen on my lanyard for years to come. This keeping the legacy alive for my kids and grandkids one day.
Cover photo credit: Brad Fenson
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