The EDC Lunch Box
Dr. John Woods 07.18.18

What could be more discreet out in public than an old fashioned lunch box? Well, I suppose in this post-yuppie millennial world of ours, just the look of something old fashioned might well stand out like a sore thumb. But, anyway the point is made that a lunch tote of any type, size, color, or exterior graphic could be used as a way to carry around basic EDC items.
Being from the retro age, a lunch box was usually the ubiquitous Stanley brand metal box with the half-moon top and carry handle. Inside the top was a metal wire loop that held a coffee or drink thermos, and lunch stuff was put in the box bottom. There was plenty of room for a sandwich or two, a bag of chips and a banana or apple. The lid closed tight with a snap over latch. You’d see these a lot at construction sites, farms, ranches, and factory break rooms.
For an EDC or Every Day Carry container, the lunch box (or bag) would work well. Besides a snack and a drink, several emergency items or supplies could be stowed away safely out of sight of prying eyes. Sometimes in some places, backpacks don’t make that grade and actually can attract unwanted attention.
Inside the lunch box lid could be placed a number of items, soft stuff. With a zip lock bag some first aid supplies could be placed, bandages, band aides, wraps, and medicines. This might include 2-3 days of personal meds as needed. Maybe an extra pair of socks, gloves or a hat? There might be room for a bottle of water, too, and a couple power bars.
The main container space can be used for a self-defense handgun in a soft holster like a Sticky that would keep it quiet, an extra load or two or magazines. A folding knife, fire making kit with matches, lighter, and a tender box (pill bottle with paraffin cotton balls) would be good. Other items could include a compass, signal mirror, flashlight, or a space blanket. Be creative.
This type of lunch box can still be bought at the Stanley web site. It is cheaper at the maker’s home site than at other venues like Amazon. Work out attaching a shoulder carry strap to free up both hands. Such a small EDC might get you out of a jam, away or home safe.