Dick’s Sporting Goods to DESTROY their AR-15s
Adam Scepaniak 04.16.18

Dick’s Sporting Goods took the stance of removing AR-15s from their Field & Stream stores on February 28th following the Parkland shooting. What many consumers wanted to know following this attempt at virtue signaling is what will happen to the firearms? Well, now we have our answer.
Dick’s Sporting Goods has decided they will DESTROY all of their standing inventory of AR-15 firearms and related accessories. Most sane businessmen and businesswomen would consider selling that unmoved inventory back to the original manufacturers or distributors to recoup the cost of all that product. Dick’s has decided to forgo that logical idea and just destroy everything.
A spokeswoman representing Dick’s Sporting Goods and Field & Stream had these statements to make regarding the issue:
We are in the process of destroying all firearms and accessories that are no longer for sale as a result of our February 28th policy change. We are destroying the firearms in accordance with federal guidelines and regulations.
The process of legally destroying a firearm, per the guidelines of the ATF, is not as easy or simple as one may think. To believe this company is willing to throw away and destroy that much product and would be able to competently destroy an AR-15 is a bit of a stretch.
Currently they are combating two different lawsuits over their new age limit on firearm purchases being raised to the age of 21 years old.
This is the second time Dick’s Sporting Goods has made an effort to “virtue signal” after a national tragedy. Back in 2012 they removed AR-15s from their store shelves, but those firearms were removed with no mention as to what happened to them.
The Pittsburgh-Post Gazette gathered these remarks as they were the news source that originally spoke with the spokeswoman from Dick’s Sporting Goods and Field & Stream:
The so-called assault-style rifles will be destroyed at the company’s distribution centers and the parts sent to a salvage company to be recycled, the Findlay-based retailer added. The company did not say how much merchandise would be included.
For now, we will wait to see if they actually destroy those firearms from more than 35 Field & Stream stores.