Specialty Ammunition and Powder
Oleg Volk 02.05.18

Southern Ballistic Research made its reputation with 458 SOCOM, 375 SOCOM and 338 Spectre ammunition, introduced in cooperation with Teppu Jitsu. Starting in the early 2000s, they innovated quietly and have mostly escaped public attention.

Being busy with massive institutional orders kept SBR from being more visible on the retail side. More recently, SBR has expanded both production number and the product variety. Given the long history of successful production of unusual cartridges, it’s no surprise that they were selected for the first current production 44 Automag.
For the consumer, SBR produce numerous tracer, ball, hunting and self-defense loads. Tracers, in particular, are very helpful for diagnosing training errors.
For the government trustworthies, they also load AP and API loads.
Most recently, SBR made their in-house powder that enables such excellent performance of the SOCOM and SPECTRE lines available to reloaders.