Salt, Salt and More Salt
Kevin Felts 11.27.17
What is one food item all modern societies share? At one time it was more valuable than gold. There is even an old saying that a man’s worth is equal to the item. It can be used to preserve meat.
The thing in question is salt.
Salt never expires, helps your body regulate certain functions, and can be stockpiled for cheap. Whether you are cooking a stew, making jerky, or preserving pork, the recipe calls for salt.
If you want to save a few cents, stockpile some salt that does not have iodine added to it. Use iodized salt for cooking, and plain salt for stuff like salted fish, salted pork, or jerky.
Iodine helps regulate the thyroid and helps prevent goiter, which is swelling of the thyroid. Due to the health benefits, salt is an excellent bartering item. Unlike bartering for weapons or ammo, salt cannot be used against you.
On a personal note, I have several pounds of salt stored at the hunting camp. The containers have been there for decades; bugs will never get into the salt, and it will never spoil. Year after year, my family has used salt from the same container. In almost a decade we’ve used around a pound of it. Waiting in reserve are several more pounds that have never been opened.
Another cool thing about salt is that it can bought in bulk. Do you want one pound, 25 pounds, or more? if you want something special, there is the Himalayan pink salt. I buy the Himalayan pink salt in a small grinder that is used for cooking. Pink salt is supposed to contain more minerals that regular white salt. I do not know if that is true, but that is what some companies claim.
Salt is an often-overlooked prepping item, which is a shame. It serves so many purposes and can be good for the body.
So preppers, how much salt do you have stockpiled?