After 72 Hours, Then What?
Dr. John Woods 09.19.17
The magic period for an initial bug out time frame seems to be the 72-hour or three day period. I don’t know who recommended or suggested that particular time frame, but it now seems to be widely accepted as fairly universal. So, in theory, preppers should to be able to escape a SHTF and reach a viable secure secondary bug out location within three days. Well, maybe.
So then, beyond that first three days of leaving your primary residence or work to reach safe grounds elsewhere, what happens then? Between the two is the ideal scenario, but more often what happens is the reality of it all. The essence of prepping is to be prepared in advance for either likelihood.
The ideal situation is that well in advance your prepping plan has established an alternative site to locate to. This location will be as safe and secure as possible. This site will have been fully equipped and stocked with all the supplies to carry one plus the family into the near future. There will be food, water, medical supplies, defense gear and supplies, cooking capabilities, clothing, decent sleeping arrangements, hygiene provisions, and all else to sustain a hunker down lifestyle for a good while. Having utilities would be nice, too, lights, water, heat, or even air conditioning.
The flip side of this is a modified form of being fully prepared. This should include a fully stocked and ready to go bug out bag/box with enough supplies for the first three days. Then also have on hand a supplemental supply box with additional provisions, supplies, and gear to carry you beyond that three days regardless of where you end up staging yourself.
Many roadblocks could develop to keep you from getting to your pre-appointed bug out site. Traffic could easily snarl any departure routes out of town. Law enforcement or military personnel could derail your travel route. There could also be ambushes by the unprepared wanting what supplies and gear you have. Thugs might be hiding along the way to just rob and kill you.
Therefore, it is certainly prudent to plan and prepare for that 72-hour escape to your chosen hideout. But be even smarter to plan ahead of time for the eventuality that the three day scenario could be extended for a much longer period of time. During any type of SHTF event there are just too many variables to predict them all. Best be as ready as possible for all of them.