Stockpiling Freeze Dried Pouches


Stockpiling Freeze Dried Pouches

Let’s start by describing the freeze dried pouches. What exactly is it and how does it relate to prepping?

The pouch is a mylar bag that contains freeze dried food. This is a food product that has been fully cooked, flash frozen, and then subjected to a vacuum in a special chamber. The vacuum removes more moisture than what is possible through dehydration. The food is then packed inside the mylar bag, an oxygen absorber is added, and then the bag is sealed.

Mountain House freeze dried pouches have a life expectancy of 30 years, if stored in climate controlled conditions. This means they are kept in a closet or basement, and not in a backyard shed.

Prepackaged Buckets

Mountain House manufacturers a number of buckets filled with freeze dried pouches. Examples include:

  • Essential bucket
  • Breakfast bucket
  • Classic assortment bucket

As far as I know, there are no fruit buckets or veggie buckets, nor is there an option to mix and match the contents.

Several years ago, I received a Mountain House Just In Case unit. The box contained a seven day food supply for one person. The problem I ran into is that I did not care for some of the meals and there were too many of one type and not enough of other types.

The solution I came up with is to taste test various freeze dried pouches, and then stockpile the meals I like.

Homemade Five Gallon Buckets

My solution to the limited Mountain House bucket selection was to store freeze dried pouches that I have tasted and like in five gallon buckets.

The goal is to have around four different types of buckets:

  • Breakfast
  • Fruits
  • Veggies
  • Main entrees

Take some white duct tape, put a piece on the outside of the bucket, and use a marker to label the contents. Then store the buckets on a wire rack in a closet.

Building your own buckets allow for almost exact meal planning. Freeze dried pouches are available in single or two servings. Are you stockpiling meals for just yourself, family, or something else?

I will probably fill the buckets with two serving pouches, and then keep a box of single servings for my hiking and camping trips.

Freeze Dried Pouches

Mountain House freeze dried pouchesUp until around 2012 or so, I was a die hard Meals Ready to Eat (MRE) fan. After I received the Just In Case unit, I started taking the meals on hiking and camping trips.

It did not take long before I realized how lightweight and compact freeze dried food was compared to the bulky and heavy MREs.

I still have several cases of MREs in the closet, and I may take one on a trip here and there. However, my go-to meals are freeze dried pouches.

Regardless if it is after a disaster, hiking, or camping, the pouches are well rounded and fit a range of needs.

I treat my stockpile of freeze dried pouches like I treat my ammunition stockpile. Buy a few here and there and after awhile, it adds up.

Let’s say the pouches cost $5 each. Buy five of them a month, for a total of around $25 + tax and shipping. After a year you have 60 pouches that have a 30 year shelf-life.

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Founder and owner of My blog - Hobbies include fishing, hiking, hunting, blogging, sharing his politically incorrect opinion, video blogging on youtube, survivalism and spending time with his family.