LWRCI’s TWAW AR: An AR-15 by Women, for Women
Dr. John Woods 04.03.17

What an easy question to answer. If you were a well-armed woman shooter that belongs to the organization The Well Armed Woman, wouldn’t you want one? One what? One of LWRCI’s new AR-15 rifles designed and built just for women shooters by women shooters, not just a single company female designer. But, trust me guys, this is one beautiful AR rifle anyone would love to get their hands on. That could happen real soon.
In fact, I just had my grubby, chubby little paws around one last weekend. Well, the display prototype model anyway. LWRCI is still taking input from lady shooters and that is exactly what they were doing at the regional TWAW meeting held recently in Raymond, Mississippi at the exceptional Boondocks Firearms Training Academy.
Some 70 ladies or so showed up at Boondocks range facility the first weekend in April to fellowship, train, shoot, and then do more of the same. They ran through excellent demonstrations by LWRCI, Glock, Dr. Mark Condon’s range trauma medical training, and then time in the Boondock’s dark cave real life threat simulation training “tent” for the lack of a formal term.
In particular LWRCI’s team of David Golladay, Dave Anderson, and Adam McMillan gave the five groups of TWAW lady shooters excellent orientation to several of their rifles including models chambered for the 5.56/.223, the 6.8 SPCII, and the .308 Winchester. They ran through a pile of ammo allowing all the ladies to bang steel 100 yards downrange. Can you say gong?
On display was LWRC International’s new coming AR labeled the TWAW DI ADEM rifle chambered for the 5.56. As said, I was able to pick up this new rifle firsthand to inspect, and it is undoubtedly the lightest AR I have ever handled. Though the features were being touted as designed for lady shooters, no guy in his right mind would turn down this piece of work.
Weighing in at 6.5 pounds, the 16.1 inch barrel on a direct impingement system was 1 of 1000 models to be built for TWAW members with $50 of each sale going back to the TWAW national organization. This rifle has LWRCI’s proprietary nickel-boron coated DI bolt carrier group with an integrated gas key. All controls are fully ambidextrous, Magpul open sights and stock, Geissele trigger, slim Ergo grip, QD sling mount, and an LWRCI Angled Ergonomic Foregrip, rail panels, and hand stop. This rifle has it all, except weight. Check out all the LWRCI products at www.lwrci.com.