Telor Tactical: Comfortable Carry and Recoil Management
Russ Chastain 01.19.17

At the 2017 SHOT Show Range Day, I stopped by Telor Tactical’s display and learned something about the man and wife who own the company and about their products.
After many years working with medical products, largely including wheelchair cushions, the company’s founder began to apply his know-how to products for the shooting world.
What makes their products unique are the materials and the way they’re used. It’s easy to understand why wheelchair cushions must be breathable and comfortable, and that same concept is employed in designing their concealed carry products.
They offer a number of ankle holsters on their website, along with several other items.
The Body Band was created to allow folks to carry a concealed handgun while wearing pants that might not support it.
They also developed the Stock Sock shotgun recoil pad. It’s a slip-on model, available in rifle and shotgun models with or without shell loops.
They claim it’s the best recoil pad ever made, and I’m looking forward to trying it for myself. I became a believer in Limb Saver years ago, but I’m told that Telor’s unique foam came out on top in a blind comparison test, so I’m eager to give it a try and let y’all know what I think of it.
Telor Tactical’s products are designed and made in the USA. Check them out.