Enhance Your Pistol Slide with Arachnigrip Slide Spiders
Dr. John Woods 10.03.16

A slide what? Once you check out these cool little semi-auto pistol accessories you will quickly understand the spider reference. But in their product designs they have a lot of other graphic offerings just in case you are a bit squeamish about 8-legged creepies.
ArachniGRIP is a Parker, Colorado based company that has created a number of designs of gritty, graspy, stick-on pistol slide appliques that adhere to the top of a pistol slide. Further, the “spider legs” of the applique fit down into the grooves milled into the sides of the pistol slide. Why? Simple, to greatly increase the grip on the slide to make it easier to cycle to load, unload, or clear the weapon.
In my work at gun shows helping customers make choices about the right self-defense handgun, one of the primary issues is older women being able to cycle the slide on a semi-auto pistol. They mostly believe they need a semi-auto pistol because they think they are simple to operate and the repeatability of shots is a prime feature. But then they try to pull the slide back.
Many semi-auto pistols have slide springs that are pretty stiff. These can be a challenge to pull back. I have even seen some pistols that big-mitted mauls like mine cannot get a grip on. Obviously it is essential to be able to cycle the slide on a pistol. An ArachniGRIP facilitates this action.
The Slide Spider was created and is designed to assist shooters with weaker or small hands or with weak grip strength to operate the slide of their pistols. Essentially the Slide Spider allows the shooter a greatly increased control grip, permitting a safe and secure hold on the slide. A Slide Spider also increases slide grip during adverse conditions, including wet environments, rain, snow, or just sweating hands.
ArachniGRIP is being produced for a wide variety of handgun brands and models, including Glocks, Smith and Wesson, Springfield Armory, Sig Sauer, and many other popular applications. Customized options are also available. The Slide Spider graphic is offered in a number of logos, flags, as well as the proprietary black spider on a red based applique. These are just as attractive as they are functional. Check them out at www.arachnigrip.com.