How to Shoot Outside from Inside


How to Shoot Outside from Inside

Some things in life are easier said than done. Trying changing a flat tire on an incline for example. Get way up on a ladder in an otherwise dim bedroom to install a ceiling fan. Open the hood on your new model car and figure out where the spark plugs are. Some things are better left to a knowledgeable professional, but sometimes those things cannot be avoided.

As a prepper, if you are faced with a SHTF situation in which gangs are roving the community streets in search of easy prey, then you have to be prepared to defend your position against these worst case scenarios. Likely this will include prying eyes or crowbars looking to enter your residence for food, water, valuables, guns, and your girls.

This is a scary situation at best, but as a survivalist caught inside, you have to be prepared to throw back any threatening advance. You can only low-pro your existence inside your dwelling for so long. Even tiny candlelight can be seen through cracks in blinds. Smart thugs will spot trash piling up on the street or other signs of occupancy. Get ready. Be ready.

Your last resort is going to be confronting threats from the outside, so you have to train how to shoot from the inside. This naturally causes exposure issues, but better shooting from behind a door or the corner of a window than out on the front porch or behind the air conditioning unit.

Advanced preppers will prepare exit and window coverings to lock down the house from approaching storms, hurricane winds, or other threats. Shooting portholes can be designed into these security covers ahead of time. They might be “T” openings, or crosses like used in old English castles. You need to see out of and be able to aim your firearms through these portals.

If this is not an option, then consider shooting from a slightly opened door and learning how to block/lock a forced entry. Ditto on windows. Work to get as wide a field a view as possible. Train and learn to shoot on your knees. Have pads and ear protection available at each shooting position. Take turns to avoid fatigue.

To learn these skills you can build some training doors and windows like a shooting range. Teach your family to shoot or at least learn to change out magazines for you. Have multiple guns for multiple positions. Shooting outside from inside takes practice. Better to learn now than later.

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Award winning outdoor writer/photographer since 1978. Over 3000 articles and columns published nationally. Field & Stream Hero of Conservation in 2007. Fields of writing includes hunting most game in American, Canada, and Europe, fishing fresh and saltwater, destination travel, product reviews, industry consulting, and conservation issues. Currently VP at largest community college in Mississippi in economic development and workforce training with 40 years of experience in Higher Education. BS-MS in wildlife sciences from MO. University, and then a PhD in Industrial Psychology. Married with two children and Molly the Schnoodle.