“See All” Fiber-Optic Gun Sight: Light, Inexpensive, Deadly Accurate
Bob McNally 01.20.16

I love open sights for close shooting, and I’ve been a big fan of fiber-optic sights for many years–dating back to installing them on compound bows for deer, elk, and hog hunting.
In recent years I’ve been using fiber-optic sights on shotguns for wild turkey hunting. But at times in the very early gray light of dawn, or when hunting from blinds where there’s minimal ambient light, standard fiber optic sights don’t have the brightness my aging eyes need.
That’s when a hunting buddy mentioned the “See All” fiber optic sight, which boasts a light-gathering source on steroids.
I contacted the “See All” folks (Oversight Shooting Technologies, Blackfoot, Idaho, www. seeallopensight.com) and when the remarkably small, lightweight, rugged, machined-aluminum sight arrived I quickly installed it on a handgun, then on a shotgun. It worked great on both.
The sight easily accommodates to a Weaver or Picatinny base and installed quickly and solidly with a pair of Allen screws.
Unlike many other styles of fiber-optic sights, the “See All” has a rugged glass lens that greatly magnifies a decal reticle on a huge green fiber-optic back. The reticle is different than other sights I’ve used, and once understood, is simple and quick for getting on-target use.
It’s simply a black triangle with a horizontal line resting atop it. It looks much like a kids seesaw, but it’s easier and faster to use than iron sights, and the light-gathering properties are incredible, truly superior for low-light shooting.
Adjustments to the “See All” for sighting in are easy to make and work well.
Another huge plus for the “See All” is there no parallax problems that can be a pain with some telescopic glass sights. It also is a ultra compact, so is less likely to get knocked out of alignment than a larger glass scope.
My shooting accuracy with the “Sight All” is about the same as with iron sights, and at least as good on a handgun or shotgun for me. It can’t compete with a high-end scope, but that’s not it’s purpose.
Where I believe the “See All” may be best is on quick-sight-acquisition firearms where iron sights are a lesser choice and glass magnifying scopes are not as appealing.
The AR platforms are ideal, because the “See All” is set up for ultra-fast sighting in tough environments, is low profile, damn accurate, and there are no batteries or lights that can fail.
It’s superior for getting on fast moving targets inside 100 yards, nice for stalking wild hogs, and surely home defense. I’d rate it excellent for pistol, slug shotguns, and turkey shotgun hunting.
There’s little to go wrong afield with the “See All.” There’s no glass to break or fog on scope glass. And that hyper-green fiber optic look will help spell the demise of wild hogs this winter and turkeys this spring.
Finally, at a retail price under $100, the “See All” won’t break a budget and likely will last as long as most firearms it’s installed on.