On Your 6 Designs Holsters


On Your 6 Designs Holsters

The best of the best concealed holsters have to do two things. First and foremost, they have to hold your firearm securely, and second, they have to be comfortable to wear. This is regardless of whether the gun and holster is worn inside the waistband (IWB) or outside the waistband (OWB). On Your 6 Designs holsters easily achieve both of these primary missions.

On Your 6 Designs is a San Antonio, Texas based, family owned company that originated in 2011. Their business motto is that they make every holster by hand right here in the Good Ole USA. Their holster designs are among the lightest and most comfortable holsters on the market.

The greatest testimony to this is trying one out and actually wearing it over extended periods of time, which I have done. The model I have fits my 1911 handguns. You may ask why I would choose to conceal carry such a large, heavy pistol. Certainly I could argue and agree that a 1911 is not by any means an ideal “carry” gun, but I picked it just for that reason. It is heavy and bulky to wear OWB as a concealed gun. What better way, I thought, to test out this holster design? And I had another concealed carry fanatic try it out as well with equally good results.

On Your 6 Designs holsters are fabricated from the thermoplastic commonly known by its official trade name Kydex. This makes the holster durable and long wearing, but the material is also flexible enough to bend, mold, and fit to your body shape for a comfortable wear. Each holster comes with an adjustable cant system built in so the rig can be worn comfortably in any position that works for the end user.

These holsters are manufactured for nearly all popular pistol models including 1911s, Beretta, Bersa, Glocks, HK, Kahr, Keltec, Kimber, Ruger, SCCY, Sig, Smith, Springfield Armory, FNH, and Taurus. That pretty much covers the waterfront. They also make matching magazine holders for many models in single and double mag carry. These holsters also come in a wide variety of colors from black, OD, pink, blue, and many others in various belt sizes. They are also very affordable and come with a lifetime warranty.

See their web site at www.onyour6designs.com to view the full display of models and colors available. The web site also has a Blog and YouTube videos illustrating their products. If you carry concealed, you need this holster.

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Award winning outdoor writer/photographer since 1978. Over 3000 articles and columns published nationally. Field & Stream Hero of Conservation in 2007. Fields of writing includes hunting most game in American, Canada, and Europe, fishing fresh and saltwater, destination travel, product reviews, industry consulting, and conservation issues. Currently VP at largest community college in Mississippi in economic development and workforce training with 40 years of experience in Higher Education. BS-MS in wildlife sciences from MO. University, and then a PhD in Industrial Psychology. Married with two children and Molly the Schnoodle.