The Tiffany Pistol – Is it Really a Thing?
Russ Chastain 08.14.15

Off and on for a while now, I’ve seen photos wander across my Facebook feed, showing glitzy guns with accessories wearing the name “Tiffany & Co.” I never really believed they were really Tiffany products, but there was always that hint of possibility.
Are they really Tiffany products? Can you lay down a hefty price and walk away with a genuine Tiffany handgun in an overpriced Tiffany bag, pouch, or box?
Not really.
However, “Tiffany blue” has apparently caught on with gun buyers, because a GunBroker search for “Tiffany” turned up 70 results. Most of them were compact semi-automatic pistols, but revolvers were well represented too. Heck, I even saw AR15 and 10/22 rifles.
It seems to go like this: 1) Get a gun. 2) Cerakote it with “Tiffany blue” gun finish. 3) Jack up the price and sell it off.
Heck, Charter Arms has even attached the Tiffany name to one of their compact revolvers, which they call The Tiffany High Polish .38 Special. That one has a blue anodized aluminum frame rather than Cerakote.
So, if you crave a genuine Tiffany shootin’ iron, you’re out of luck. But if you just want a popper with that soft blue color, they’re out there. With a little extra expense, you can even package it in a genuine Tiffany box or bag and gift it to your favorite pistol-packin’ mama.