The Zebco 33 a Real Classic
Dr. John Woods 07.06.15

If there were a hall of fame for fishing reels, then the Zebco 33 would surely top the list. As early as I can remember fishing with my dad in earnest it was with a #33. When dad came back from that big war that was supposed to end all wars, his first purchase other than duck hunting gear was a Pflueger reel. Boy, do I ever wish I still had that old reel in my collection.
When I got big enough to command my own rod and reel set up, he went with the Zebco 33 he bought from his hunting buddy that owned the local Western Auto store in town. I don’t know how many I have owned and used since, but I still have one and it is a primary go-to reel for general freshwater fishing.
The Zebco 33 is truly an iconic piece of fishing gear. Show me anybody that does not know what a No. 33 is and I will show you a guy that has never fished (if you can imagine such).
Tech spec wise the Zebco 33 is made on an aluminum frame with stainless steel covers and five stainless bearings driving the mechanism. With its easy to use thumb button, the 33 comes with a micro fine drag control and soft touch handle knobs. All you do is just thumb the line release button and cast.
The Zebco 33 can be mated to any kind of rod length and strength for every kind of fish from the lightweight bream, crappie slabs, and largemouth bass. I have used mine for rainbow and brown trout, saltwater redfish, and speckled trout. Just rinse the reel out with water, air dry, and it is ready for the next trip.