A Rusty Old Axe, Restored. A How-To.
AllOutdoor Staff 05.20.15

This guy made a post on reddit about restoring an old axe he found. I’m always a sucker for an easy fix, and this seems to fit the mold.
Step 1: Remove the head of the axe by drilling holes in the handle.
Step 2: Soak it for a day or two in normal household white vinegar.
Step 3: Remove excess rust with a wire brush. Wash the head in water and then cover with WD40 to prevent further rust.
Step 4: Use a flat file to smooth out the edge. Sharpen with stones, one course and one fine.
Step 5: Add a mirror finish by using sand paper and WD40 as lube. Start with 800 grit automotive/metal wet sand paper, and make your way up to 2000 grit.