DIY Video: Make a 45 Pound Slingshot Bow for $5
Russ Chastain 02.17.15

I often get bit by the DIY bug. I’m not sure what it is. Perhaps it’s the joy of making something on my own. Maybe it’s the satisfaction of getting the most out of my money or just knowing I can take care of myself. Whatever the reason, I like stuff like this.
It’s a simple, fantastic, wonderful thing: a homemade slingshot made from nice cheap PVC pipe and other readily-available stuff–and this slingshot is made to shoot arrows.
It does this quite well, as the video below demonstrates. It might end up costing more than $5 to make it if you don’t have suitable materials on hand, but it’s pretty clear that with a little thought and even less effort, you can make some really useful stuff. This would be great for small game hunting, bow fishing, or as a last-ditch self-defense tool–maybe against zombies?
Speaking of which, maybe Daryl Dixon of The Walking Dead should trade in his crossbow for one of these. It would be a lot lighter and offer faster reloads… hmmmmmm.