Girls Just Wanna Have Guns – And Educate Others.
Russ Chastain 12.09.14

As you can see in the video below, the young lady behind this video means business. And she’s seeking funding to make a 90-minute motion picture “intended for all audiences that will serve as a wake-up call to all Americans.”
Her name is Regis Giles, and her website is Girls Just Wanna Have Guns.
The video opens with a 911 phone call. A frightened woman calls 911 because someone is trying to break into her home. She is armed. When the guy comes in, unimpressed that the police are on the way. There is a brief struggle, and then she shoots him.
She tells the 911 operator what she did, and repeats her plea: “Please hurry!” Police are still nowhere near when she warns her attacker, “Don’t get up or I’ll shoot your ass again.”
Imagine a loved one in that situation, having to shoot someone in her own house.
Now imagine what would have happened if she hadn’t been armed.
This film could help inform people, especially women, of the benefits of firearms ownership. It could have a big impact, especially among those who don’t own guns.
I don’t know that it will do so, but it is certainly a worthy goal. Every helpless person armed is one more safe, secure, independent person who can take care of herself.
Check out the indiegogo page to learn more and to decide if you’d like to contribute.