Making the H&K P30L Even Better


Making the H&K P30L Even Better

Many would wonder how you could actually upgrade the already feature loaded P30 series of pistols, but more than a few believe that the P30 series can perform even better with just a few tweaks.


Although the HK P30 is already a bit of an exclusive pistol, some connoisseurs of the P30 may notice that the stock trigger is a bit heavy, which you notice after about the third magazine dump. Rightly so, most people should be a little hesitant about swapping out to lighter springs to reduce trigger pull, but in this case a lighter spring swap is a factory part replacement and maintains full reliability. The lighter springs in question are easily swapped and amount to swapping the Hammer Spring and Firing Pin Block Spring.

You can also swap the trigger return spring as well, but that does require a $20 trigger spring installation tool in addition to the $9 Trigger Return Spring.

The Hammer and Firing Pin Block Spring are replaced in about 10 minutes. The Trigger Return spring takes a few minutes longer. Swapping out these two springs greatly reduce the trigger pull of the H&K P30 series pistols. Later on I may also replace the trigger return spring as well to see how it further reduces trigger pull.

300 rounds later, I still have not had any functional issues due to the spring swap, so I am convinced that reliability has not be degraded by the trigger pull weight reduction. With these two lighter springs, the P30 trigger pull is reduced from 12 lbs to about 9 lbs according to my Timeny trigger gauge.

Light Hammer Spring – Factory H&K Part
Light Firing Pin Block Spring – Factory H&K Part

The P30 comes with a couple magazines, but having extra is always a good thing. Also, having the ability to carry a freaking awesome gun like the P30 comfortably is a plus. The answer to these two wants is also a simple fix. sells P30 magazines competitviely priced and it is easy to add several extra mags to the order–well I ordered six extras.

There are a number of popular holsters on the market, but one of my favorites is the CrossBreed SuperTuck Deluxe in horsehide. If you hit, you can pick up second quality hoslters for up to 50% off. CrossBreed is very picky about their quality, so they do end up with quite a selection on the site, but purchasing is limited to sending in a check or money order. I have used this site quite a bit, but if you do not have a lot of patience I would just opt for the full priced options. Personally, I think these are an outstanding deal and an awesome concealed carry option that makes even my P30L long slide version of my P30 disappear.

One final tweak I did to my H&K P30 was to trim and round the butt of the gun. In stock form the H&K P30’s grip end is a bit sharply edged and can deliver a noticeable print under a shirt. Using the old Dremel to round the bottom of the grip delivers a profile that prints less under a shirt or sweater.

As you attempt to strive to improve perfection, you can often go overboard, but the H&K P30 only needs a couple upgrades to make it pistol perfection. Two lighter springs, six extra mags, and a Dremel tweak. The gun is so good that a second hand holster still cannot diminish the greatness of this pistol, and these upgrades have just made the pistol even better, which is hard to believe.


  • 214300LT Hammer Spring for P30- $8.95
  • HKFP101 Firing Pin Block Spring – New Style Light – $7.74
  • 4 New P30, VP9, P30L 15 round magazines – $47.95
  • Crossbreed Holsters (Seconds) Super Tuck Deluxe horsehide holster – $45


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By Major Pandemic – Is the editor at large of which features hundreds of deep product reviews. No my name is not Pandemic, nor am I a Major, I am but a mortal being, using my freedom, intelligence, and available resources provided in this great free nation to survive another day. Hopefully I can help you get smarter and live longer and enjoy the outdoor more comfortably and more safely.-