Gun Owners Share Their Pro-2A “I Voted” Messages on Social Media


Gun Owners Share Their Pro-2A “I Voted” Messages on Social Media

As voters turn out for the mid-term elections today pro-gun voters are showing their solidarity by posting photos of their “I voted” stickers on their firearms and holsters on a variety of social media sites.

Gun owners who wish to share their “I voted” photos can do so on the Facebook page “Gun Voter Org,” use the twitter hashtag #gunvote, or share on other social media platforms.

This election is especially important as the fight for gun rights moves to the state level as Federal gun control efforts stall. In Washington State, for instance, voters are faced with both pro-gun and anti-gun initiatives regarding so-called “Universal background checks.”  Initiative 594 would require FFL dealers to perform background checks on all “firearms transfers” in the state. While marketed as a way to track firearms sales, this law would actually apply to all transfers, even the temporary loan of firearms by family members. The pro-gun initiative, I-591, would prohibit mandatory background checks on transfers unless required by Federal law.

A variety of hunting related issues are also on the ballot in states, including Alabama, Michigan, and Mississippi.

As is the case in most non-presidential election years, turnout is expected to be light overall, which means getting out the vote for the pro-gun cause is even more effective. If you haven’t voted yet, find out when your local polling place closes and make it out before the deadline. And if you have voted, show your support for the Pro-2A cause by posting on social media.

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Rob Reed is a firearms instructor, collector and all around "projectile launcher enthusiast" in the Metro Detroit area. He also writes as the Michigan Firearms Examiner.

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