The Filmography of Guns Documents Iconic Guns in Popular Culture


The Filmography of Guns Documents Iconic Guns in Popular Culture

Cathryn Lavery, a New York City-based designer and founder of Calm the Ham, recently launched a Kickstarter for her latest design project, the Filmography of Guns. Previously, Lavery has designed posters depicting the Filmography of Cars and Aircraft, so researching iconic guns seemed like a natural next step. She says:

This giant print illustrates a visual history of iconic guns from film and television in 115 intricately detailed hand-illustrations. From the classic Smith & Wesson of Dirty Harry to James Bond’s PPK to the fictional firearms in classics like Star Wars and Aliens–we have it all covered.


Although the Kickstarter just launched a day or two ago, it’s nearly met the $6,500 goal. At press time, 91 percent of the funds had been raised. So if you want to get your own copy of this poster soon, check out the Kickstarter.



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Ashley is an editor of A former environmental journalist, she has a passion for innovations in gear, design and technology.