Boomershoot 2014: Long-range Fun and Learning


And this is just the opening shot! Boomershoot dates back to 1998, but it really took off by 2000 with national attendance. Currently, the event consists of a short-range, high-intensity shoot; a long-range rifle clinic; and the actual friendly competition. The range goes out to 700 yards, and most hits are easy to spot by the white plume of exploding Boomerite or by the clang of the steel targets.

A small boomer goes off at 350 yard line, the closest distance of the main event.
A small boomer goes off at 350 yard line, the closest distance of the main event.

The event happens rain, wind, or shine, and puts optics, ammunition, rifles, and most importantly, individual skills to the test. Learn more or sign up to attend Boomershoot 2015.

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Oleg Volk is currently a writer for AllOutdoor who has chosen not to write a short bio at this time.